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  2. Define Reprimand. A reprimand is a formal rebuke or criticism that is given to an individual or organization for violating a rule or standard. It is a less severe form of punishment than a penalty and is typically used as a warning or reminder of expected behavior.

  3. Legal definition for REPRIMAND: A public and formal censure or severe reproof, administered to a person in fault by his superior officer or by a body to which he belongs. Thus, a member of a legislative bo.

  4. Reprimand Definition. A disciplinary measure that declares a lawyers conduct improper but does not affect the lawyers licensure to practice law.

  5. Definition of reprimands in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is reprimands? Meaning of reprimands as a legal term.

  6. Meaning of Reprimand. A formal and public censure by a superior to an inferior, or by a judge to an offender. The censure as administered is usually in substitution for any other form of sentence . To censure formally, especially with authority .

  7. Definition of REPRIMAND: A public and formal censure or severe reproof, administered to a person in fault by his superior officer or by a body to which he belongs. Thus, a member of a legislative body may be reprimanded by the presiding officer, in pursuance of a vote of censure, for improper conduct in the house.

  8. A quick definition of reprimand: Term: REPRIMAND. Definition: A reprimand is a type of punishment given to a lawyer who has done something wrong. It is not a very serious punishment and does not stop the lawyer from practicing law. It just tells them that what they did was not okay.

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