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  1. 31 Flavors Ice Cream - Yahoo Recipe Search

    31 layers of Tiramisu Cake
    Not everyone can press my buttons to push me just that ‘little bit’ over the limit and out of my comfort zone. But I do enjoy being pushed out of my comfort zone, and I thrive under that kind of pressure. The one little person who knows when and how to push those buttons is nobody else but my son. He knows I won’t turn him down and I will make it happen. He doesn’t ask for things often, but when he does, they really are something. When I asked my little guy what he wanted for his 12th birthday, he just said he wanted a multi layered cake with lots of coffee in it. He recently developed a taste for coffee flavoured things and cappuccinos, so he wanted a coffee flavoured cake. I thought I would make him a Tiramisu cake but he then said he wanted the cake to have 28 layers since his birthday falls on the 28th day of the month. What? I didn’t want to say to him that it would be a a few feet high if I baked 28 layers but it was something I had to think about. Hence, a painstakingly delicious Tiramisu cake made with lots of espresso coffee, marsala wine and mascarpone cheese between 31 layers of crepes, stacked up nice, tall and straight. A bit of patience will help make this cake a show stopper, every time! I lost count layering the cake, hence the 31 layers.... there's no egg in the icing, as I wanted to keep it for a little longer and freeze it if possible.
    Double Chocolate Brownies
    A recipe I found at Holl's Swiss Chocolatier site. Posting for ZWT Swiss region. Update: 7/31/11 - Wow!!! These are fantastic with such a rich and intense chocolate flavor. I couldn't find the 63% bittersweet chocolate, so I used Ghiradelli's 60% bittersweet. You don't need a big piece to satisfy that chocolate craving, a little goes a long way! For an over the top dessert, try it warm with vanilla ice cream.
    Knickerbocker Glory
    London, 31 May 2011. As reported in The Telegraph: - "Sun lovers enjoy warmest spring since 1659." "Farmers in Lingwood, Norfolk, have harvested hay three months early." "The previous warmest spring was in 1893, the year that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle announced the death of Sherlock Holmes" and "Thomas Edison built the first film studio in New Jersey." Clearly it's time for ice cream, and only a Knickerbocker Glory will do. FYI: - Knickerbocker Glory is a British adaptation of the Knickerbocker Sundae which originated in New York and named after Washington Irving's Diedrich Knickerbocker in his 'History of New York'. Although there are many variations I favour Caroline & Robin Weir's version as published in their seminal 'Ice Creams, Sorbets & Gelati' for its simplicity and clean flavours. However I substitute Honeycomb, a toffee-like sweet, for the usual brandied or glacé cherry in the original. Cadbury's Crunchie bars are essentially Honeycomb enrobed in chocolate. It's light texture is made by trapping carbon dioxide bubbles within the sweet. This occurs when baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) is added to hot syrup. I prefer to make my own and use London chef Patrick Williams' recipe.