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  1. Sep 25, 2018 · The story that Alexander Fleming (or Alex and his father Hugh) twice saved Churchills life, charming as it may be, is certainly fiction. This persistent Churchill legend dates back to World War II. It is still found today on otherwise serious websites, despite abundant evidence against it.

  2. Aug 9, 1999 · The father of Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, saved a young Winston Churchill from drowning; in gratitude Churchill's father paid for Fleming's education. Rating:...

  3. Aug 29, 2008 · Alex graduates with honors and in 1928 discovers that certain bacteria cannot grow in certain vegetable molds. In 1943 when Churchill becomes ill in the Near East, Alexs invention, penicillin, is flown out to effect his cure. Thus once again Alexander Fleming saves the life of Winston Churchill.

  4. According to the biography, Penicillin Man: Alexander Fleming and the Antibiotic Revolution by Kevin Brown, Alexander Fleming, in a letter to his friend and colleague Andre Gratia, described this as "A wondrous fable." Nor did he save Winston Churchill himself during World War II.

  5. Sep 10, 2018 · The Churchill Project - Hillsdale College > Articles > Truths and Heresies > Churchill's Youth > Charming but Fanciful: The Fleming-Churchill Myth > Fleming and Churchill (Karsh, 1941)

  6. Jan 11, 2020 · Alexander Fleming, Ken HIrsch, Lord Randolph Churchill, Martin Gilbert, penicillin, Winston S. Churchill. It is not true that Alexander Fleming saved Churchill twice: from drowning as a boy, and, with penicillin, from pneumonia in 1943.

  7. Jul 3, 2017 · That son, Alexander Fleming, had in turn discovered the penicillin that supposedly saved Churchills life. But the “wondrous fable,” as Fleming himself referred to the ironic sequence of events, had fundamental fact-checking issues: Churchill had experienced no near drowning in his youth. The Churchills and Flemings were not acquainted.

  8. Sir Alexander Fleming (August 6, 1881 – March 11, 1955) was a Scottish biological research scientist and pharmacologist, who is best well-known for his 1928 discovery and isolation of the antibiotic substance penicillin, from the fungus Penicillium notatum.

  9. May 7, 2015 · The fable that Sir Alexander Fleming saved Churchill from drowning as a boy and from pneumonia many years later by his discovery of penicillin had quite a run on the Internet a year or so ago, and the question still comes up occasionally. Charming as it is, it is certainly fictitious.

  10. Apr 1, 1999 · Alexander Fleming and Winston Churchill. ve8QAd | April 01, 1999. Life Issues is a daily five-minute radio commentary hosted by Dr. Willke. The program is available to radio stations on CD and satellite. His voice is heard on nearly 1,000 outlets throughout the nation, in addition to various localities throughout the world.

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