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  1. Over the years, King of Kong star Billy Mitchell has seen his world-record Donkey Kong scores stripped, partially reinstated, and endlessly litigated, both in actual court and the court of public...

  2. A new forensic analysis of controversial Donkey Kong world records claims those records were scored on an emulator and not on original hardware, essentially accusing the record holder of...

  3. Mitchell sued Twin Galaxies for defamation in 2020 over its accusations that he’d used an emulator to cheat.

  4. Mitchell sued Twin Galaxies in 2019, alleging [PDF] the record keeper's claims he cheated were defamatory.

  5. Billy Mitchell Says His Doctor Won't See Him Because Of Donkey Kong Cheating Allegations. That's a real headline, from real life, based on actual court documents that really exist. nintendo....

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