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  1. Flag of Blackbeard. The purported flag of Blackbeard, consisting of a horned skeleton using a spear to pierce a bleeding heart, is typically attributed to the pirate Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard.

  2. Aug 18, 2021 · The truth about Blackbeard’s Flag. According to Historian Kevin Duffus, a simple black flag with a skull in the center, comparable to the black flag at right, was the true Blackbeard’s flag rather than the popular one at left. Photo: C. Leinbach.

  3. Blackbeard’s flag, commonly known as the Jolly Roger, is one of the most recognizable pirate flags in popular culture. The flag features a skull and crossbones, often depicted with an eye patch and a bandana.

  4. Oct 6, 2017 · Blackbeard’s flag is typically described as having a horned skeleton, holding an hourglass in one hand and a spear piercing a heart with three drops of blood, in the other. This imagery, however, has no contemporary links to any accounts of Blackbeard in the historical record.

  5. The most widely accepted pirate flag design used by Blackbeard has the black background on which skeleton toasts the devil with one hand, and spears the bleeding heart with another.

  6. Aug 18, 2021 · According to legend, the flag of the pirate Blackbeard, aka Edward Teach (d. 1718). The skeleton holds an hourglass to signify that the time of those about to be boarded is coming to an end. The bleeding heart warns of the death which will come if any resistance is met.

  7. May 25, 2023 · The most famous pirate flag design of all time is the black background with a white human skull and two crossed bones underneath, which was most likely the design used by Blackbeard. This design gained popularity through famous pirates such as “Black Sam” Bellamy and Edward England.

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