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  1. For Schmitt, the political is reducible to the existential distinction between friend and enemy. This distinction arises from the fact of human diversity: identities and practices, beliefs and way of life can, in principle, be in conflict with one another.

  2. Aug 7, 2010 · Schmitt seems to admit that a global hegemon might one day be able to enforce a global de-politicization, by depriving all other communities of the capacity to draw their own friend-enemy distinctions, or that liberalism might one day attain global cultural hegemony, such that people will no longer be interested in drawing friend-enemy ...

  3. So, society splits up in friends and enemies, which is the antechamber of the civil war. Indeed, it resembles the state of nature depicted by Thomas Hobbes in his work. Schmitt made some remarks on this and warned about the perils of this dynamic that may lead to the dissolution of the polity.

  4. May 25, 2016 · The new authoritarians embrace Schmitt’s friend/enemy distinction with gusto. Trump has a litany of opponents – Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese – that seek to undermine America.

  5. In this article, Böckenförde shows that Carl Schmitt’s (in)famous definition of ‘The Political’ as the distinction between friend and enemy must not be taken as a normative statement, but as a phenomenological truth.

  6. Jul 24, 2016 · Carl Schmitt’s use of the friendenemy distinction to define the political is intimately connected to the question of how to define who is a friend and who is an enemy. This article shows that Schmitt bases it on the perceived threat posed by another.

  7. Schmit welcomes the idea of war and the friend/ enemy distinction that accompanies it as a means of channeling the threat of civil war and thus liberating society from its dangers. In other words, the threat of internal conflict is to be overcome via enmity directed externally.

  8. The chapter presents Schmitt's interpretations of his critique of liberalism by adopting the view that there is an essential continuity in Schmitt's work dating roughly from 1922 to 1938.

  9. For Schmitt, this metaphysical denial is directly related to the liberal denial of several key concepts, such as the political (the friend/enemy distinction), the decision, and the exception, all three intrinsically connected to the notion of sovereignty.

  10. Sep 18, 2016 · The distinctive trait of the Schmittian political is the friend–enemy distinction with this distinction arising from a political decision regarding a perceived existential threat to the (way of) life of the political community.

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