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  1. The Carolina Wren is a small but chunky bird with a round body and a long tail that it often cocks upward. The head is large with very little neck, and the distinctive bill marks it as a wren: long, slender, and downcurved.

  2. The Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus) is a common species of wren that is a resident in the eastern half of the United States of America, the extreme south of Ontario, Canada, and the extreme northeast of Mexico. Severe winters restrict the northern limits of their range, while favorable weather conditions lead to a northward extension ...

  3. More brightly colored than most wrens, and with a rich musical song, Carolina Wrens are common in open woods and backyards in the southeast. There they busily explore brushpiles and low tangles.

  4. In summer it can seem that every patch of woods in the eastern United States rings with the rolling song of the Carolina Wren. This shy bird can be hard to see, but it delivers an amazing number of decibels for its size.

  5. The Carolina Wren is a species of American birds, spread across a large part of the US. These little birds are the largest of the wrens found in the USA, and play an important role in the eco-system.

  6. The Carolina Wren is the largest wren species found in eastern North America. There are ten recognized subspecies, differing slightly in plumage color and detail. All can be identified by rich reddish brown and buff plumage, accented by a white stripe over the eye.

  7. In summer it can seem that every patch of woods in the eastern United States rings with the rolling song of the Carolina Wren. This shy bird can be hard to see, but it delivers an amazing number of decibels for its size.

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