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  1. May 25, 2011 · Goodwin's so popular with her highly respected colleagues that nearly two years after the plagiarism scandal broke several prominent historians and media folks -- everyone from Arthur Schlesinger Jr. to Walter Isaacson -- actually signed a letter to the New York Times asserting that she didn't plagiarize anyone.

  2. In its analysis of the controversy, Slate magazine criticized Goodwin for the aggrieved tone of her explanation, and suggested Goodwin's worst offense was allowing the plagiarism to remain in future editions of the book even after it was brought to her attention.

  3. Jan 25, 2002 · The plagiarism came to light when McTaggart noticed the material in Goodwin's book and contacted her. Goodwin asserts that it was a simple error, claiming she mistook McTaggart's material for her own notes.

  4. Feb 23, 2002 · The historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, under fire for inappropriately copying several passages in a book she wrote in 1987, yesterday disclosed that her borrowings were far more extensive.

  5. Dec 8, 2011 · As the author of a novel about Edgar Allan Poe's wife faces controversy, here are five plagiarism and fraud cases that shook the literary community.

  6. Mar 31, 2002 · Fellow historians object to efforts by Doris Kearns Goodwin, who stands accused of plagiarism, to salvage reputation with recent public appeals to 'move on' before disclosing full extent of...

  7. Mar 16, 2002 · Since the revelations of plagiarism by the popular historians Stephen Ambrose and Doris Kearns Goodwin, commentators have been wrestling with the nature of literary theft.

  8. Jun 1, 2024 · Goodwin maintained that her plagiarism was unintentional and was related to her note-taking methods, and she settled a copyright infringement suit by McTaggart out of court. Goodwin has described her love of and dedication to chronicling history this way: “There’s something about history that I think everyone should love.

  9. Jun 1, 2002 · Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin, who has faced accusations of plagiarism over a 1987 book, has resigned from the Pulitzer Prize board, Columbia University announced Friday.

  10. Mar 11, 2002 · It seems that well-known historian and Harvard University Overseer Doris Kearns Goodwin consulted many sources while writing her book The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, but regrettably, one...

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