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  1. If you want to return an item, or if there's a problem with your order, the first step is to let the seller know. If you're not able to resolve things with the seller, you can ask us to help.

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    If you’re a seller, you can also go to to manage issues with returns, items not received, refunds, feedback and defect removal, and any policy notifications we’ve sent you.

  3. 1. Start your return. In My eBay, find the item under Purchase history, then in More actions, choose Return this item. 2. Select your reason. Depending on the seller's return policy, we may put you in touch with them directly. 3. Ship it back. You’ll be issued a packing slip and shipping label. Pack the item and ship it. Quick Tips.

    • Open A Return Request
    • Send The Item Back
    • Get Your Refund
    • Ask eBay to Step in and Help
    • Close A Return Request
    • Misuse of Returns

    When you request a return, the seller should get back to you within 3 business days. If the seller doesn't respond or you're unable to resolve the issue with them, you can ask us to step in and help. To request a return, select the item you want to send back from your recent purchases above, or use the button below. You can also start a return requ...

    When your return request is accepted, we'll send an email to your Messages- opens in new window or tabasking you to send the item back. Make sure you ship the return by the date in this email to avoid any delays or issues in the refund process. If you're responsible for purchasing the return shipping label, make sure you use a tracked service and a...

    Most sellers refund as soon as they get the item back. If the item has been returned to the seller and they haven't given you a refund after 2 business days, you can ask eBay to step in and help. Tip Some refunds may take a little longer. You can check the status of your requestto find the refund deadline for your return. Refunds go back to your or...

    Most of the time if you have an issue with a purchase the seller will be able to solve it for you. However, we're here to help. Here are the main reasons you might ask us to step in and help on a return: 1. The seller hasn't responded to your return request after 3 business days 2. The seller responded, but hasn't provided a resolution (for example...

    If you've changed your mind and no longer want to return your item, it's easy to cancel your request. Here's how: 1. Go to your Purchases- opens in new window or taband find the item. 2. From the More actions dropdown menu, select See request details and then Close your request. 3. Select your reason for closing the return from the dropdown, and ad...

    Buyers may not misuse our returns processes – such as requesting a return and then sending a different item back. See the Abusive buyer policyfor more examples of activity that we don't allow. You can find more information about our requirements for returns and eligibility for coverage in our eBay Money Back Guarantee policy.

  4. Returns and refunds. In most cases, if your order doesn't arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you'll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you've changed your mind – check the listing for details of their returns policy.

  5. Find answers to your buying, selling, and account questions, or contact us for more help.

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  7. › help › returns-refundsReturning items - eBay

    Didn't find what you need? Search eBay Help. Need more help? Contact us Get the help you need from our automated assistant, or contact an agent. Find answers to your returns and refunds - returning items questions.

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