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  1. The Bauman Letter isnt a scam. It’s a monthly newsletter subscription created by Ted Bauman, that shows you how to create wealth through the stock market, as well as how to protect that wealth. Members also get access to bonuses such as Ted’s book “Endless Income”, weekly updates and trade alerts.

  2. Its clearly not a scam and you can get actionable and valuable information from Ted Bauman. That being said you should be aware that it’s NOT a get rich quick scheme, so you do need to have realistic expectations about what you can achieve with it.

  3. Baumans book, “Pay $0 Taxes,” contains a number of secrets that have been used by America’s wealthiest to keep their tax bills as low as possible, and his book shares these valuable tips with you.

  4. Ted Bauman. Editor, The Bauman Letter. Take a look at a few of the hottest Next-Gen coins that could actually soar by providing REAL-WORLD value to investors & the global economy.

  5. Is Banyan Hill A Scam? There are a few articles out there on the internet that claim Banyan Hill Publishing is a scam. I don’t agree with them because I think it is the real deal. As I mentioned earlier, Banyan Hill is part of Agora, a highly respected financial company.

  6. With regards to everything Ted Bauman says in his letters, I don’t think he is a scam or that his services are scams either. In fact, I think he shares a lot of value with his readers. That’s not to say that every stock he recommends is going to pay off big or that you should rush out and buy every subscription he sells.

  7. Ted Bauman has a bizarre way of delivering services to 10X Project members. Rather than go the traditional route of putting everything up on a website, he issues new subscribers with an encrypted laptop which he says contains the secrets that wealthy people have used for generations.

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