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  2. Common childhood fears. A fear of being alone in the dark, for example, is a common childhood fear. So is a fear of animals, such as large barking dogs. Some children are afraid of fires, high places or thunderstorms. Others, conscious of media images, are concerned about war or terrorism.

  3. Fears are different depending on the age of your child. Fear can make kids cautious. It can also guide them to ask for help when they are uncertain or fearful of a situation. "Fear is normal and adaptative. Some fears can help motivate kids to do better, but irrational fears may be concerning," says Dr. Ghannadpour.

  4. Specific phobia. A child has anxiety when exposed to a certain object or situation. He or she stays away from the object or situation, dreads it, or endures it with so much fear that it interferes with normal activities. Some common phobias are a fear of animals, insects, blood, heights, or flying. Panic disorder.

  5. Types of phobias seen in children and adolescents include the following: Specific phobia. Anxiety is associated with a specific object or situation. The phobic object or situation is avoided, anticipated with fear, or endured with extreme anxiety to the extent that it interferes with normal routines and activities. Panic disorder.

  6. Phobias: are a type of anxiety disorder, a condition that activates thefight or flightresponse and creates feelings of imminent danger that are out of proportion to the reality of the situation. can affect kids of all ages.

  7. There are many different kinds of phobias. The most common kind is a social phobia, which can make someone feel scared of being embarrassed in front of other people. A kid with a social phobia might feel scared of talking to a teacher or a coach or might be afraid of walking in front of the whole classroom when they need to go to the restroom.

  8. Oct 1, 2023 · What are phobias in children? A phobia is an excessive fear of a certain object or situation. It’s a fear that lasts for at least 6 months. It is a type of anxiety disorder. These are some different types of phobias: Specific phobia. A child has anxiety when exposed to a certain object or situation.

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