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  2. Feb 16, 2012 · Why a Unified Theory of Psychology Is Impossible. Hunting for a unified theory of psychology is tilting at windmills. Posted February 16, 2012. In 1963, Arthur Staats published his first treatise...

  3. This chapter focuses on the key implications of these developments in recent decades for building a unifying, cumulative personality theory and science, based on the findings from a century of theory-making and research in psychology and related fields.

    • Walter Mischel, Yuichi Shoda
    • 2008
  4. The theory begins by specifying basic needs and by suggesting how, as people pursue need-fulfilling goals, they build mental representations of their experiences (beliefs, representations of emotions, and representations of action tendencies).

    • Carol S. Dweck
    • 2017
  5. Oct 7, 2015 · The search for a so-called unified or integrated theory has long served as a goal for some psychologists, even if the search is often implicit. But if the established sciences do not have an explicitly unified set of theories, then why should psychology?

    • Henderikus J. Stam
    • 2015
  6. Aug 13, 2018 · The word UTUA (pronounced ə tü ä’) comes from the combination of “UT” and “UA”, where UT stands for the unified theory of psychology and UA stands for a unified approach to psychotherapy.

  7. Proposes that a comprehensive theory of personality needs to identify stable qualities and behavior patterns that characterize different individuals and types.

  8. Dec 1, 2018 · Nevertheless, whether dynamic personality theories satisfactorily address motivated action remains unclear. To address this, this article discusses the logic of explanation and problems with latent trait approaches in terms of circularity and reification.

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