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  1. This area includes death videos relating to true crime that have been taken from across the world. The videos in this section are graphic, so viewer discretion is strongly advised.

  2. The DVD is a Napalm Death DVD released by Earache in 2001. The only material seeing release for the first time is the Nottingham show from 1989 and the ULU show from 1989. The version of Utopia Banished currently in print features The DVD as a bonus disc.

  3. The Komsomolskoye massacre occurred following the Battle of Komsomolskoye (Chechen: Saadi-Kotar) during the Second Chechen War in March 2000. A prominent feature in the incident was the fate of a group of about 72 Chechen combatants who had surrendered on 20 March on a Russian public promise of amnesty, but had almost all either died or "disappeared" shortly after they were detained.

  4. › item › 立陶宛立陶宛_百度百科

    立陶宛共和国立陶宛语Lietuvos Respublika英语Republic of Lithuania),简称立陶宛立陶宛语Lietuvos英语Lithuania),位于波罗的海东岸北接拉脱维亚东连白俄罗斯南邻波兰西濒波罗的海和俄罗斯加里宁格勒州

  5. 時立陶宛為 立窩尼亞十字軍 入侵,1236年9月22日 蘇勒戰役 中首位立陶宛大公 明道加斯 手下將領擊敗了寶劍騎士團 [13] ,引發原本已被騎士團征服的庫洛尼亞人、瑟米加利亞人與瑟羅尼亞人起義,重挫騎士團在 道加瓦河 左岸的戰果 [14] ,2000年立陶宛與拉脫維亞 ...

  6. 立陶宛立陶宛文Lietuva係東北歐波羅的海三國之一北面係拉脫維亞東南面係白俄羅斯南面係波蘭西南面同俄羅斯嘅加里寧格勒接壤首都係維爾紐斯原本係蘇聯加盟共和國喺1990年自己宣佈獨立去到第二年蘇聯至承認立陶宛

  7. 立陶宛共和國立陶宛語: Lietuvos Respublika [lʲɪɛtʊˈvoːs rʲɛsˈpʊblʲɪkɐ] ),通稱立陶宛(立陶宛語: Lietuva [lʲɪɛtʊˈvɐ] ),位于欧洲东北部 ,是波罗的海三国之一,首都與最大城市為维尔纽斯,另外還有考那斯與克萊佩達等城市。

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