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  1. 'Why are dominant parties so factionalized, and with what consequences?, This is the crucial question at the core of this original study of political parties in power for extended periods.

    • Conclusion

      Some dominant parties degenerate into fatal factionalism...

  2. Mar 17, 2024 · Free elections in which multiple parties contest for power are the opportunity for citizens to give a mandate to leaders and parties for implementing new policies. The multiparty system is also the means to hold political leaders and parties accountable if their policies fail to meet citizens’ needs or especially if they abuse power.

  3. Two parties dominate the U.S. political system in large part because the U.S. system of representation is based on the top vote getter in each district. Multiparty democracies typically use a system in which representation is proportional to the number of votes received.

    • Overview
    • Party systems
    • Multiparty systems

    Party systems may be broken down into three broad categories: two-party, multiparty, and single-party. Such a classification is based not merely on the number of parties operating within a particular country but on a variety of distinctive features that the three systems exhibit. Two-party and multiparty systems represent means of organizing political conflict within pluralistic societies and are thus part of the apparatus of democracy. Single parties usually operate in situations in which genuine political conflict is not tolerated. This broad statement is, however, subject to qualification, for, although single parties do not usually permit the expression of points of view that are fundamentally opposed to the party line or ideology, there may well be intense conflict within these limits over policy within the party itself. And even within a two-party or a multiparty system, debate may become so stymied and a particular coalition of interests so entrenched that the democratic process is seriously compromised.

    The distinction between two-party and multiparty systems is not as easily made as it might appear. In any two-party system there are invariably small parties in addition to the two major parties, and there is always the possibility that a third, small party prevents one of the two main parties from gaining a majority of seats in the legislature. This is the case with regard to the Liberal Party in Great Britain, for example. Other countries do not fall clearly into either category; thus, Austria and Germany only approximate the two-party system. It is not simply a question of the number of parties that determines the nature of the two-party system; many other elements are of importance, the extent of party discipline in particular.

    Party systems may be broken down into three broad categories: two-party, multiparty, and single-party. Such a classification is based not merely on the number of parties operating within a particular country but on a variety of distinctive features that the three systems exhibit. Two-party and multiparty systems represent means of organizing political conflict within pluralistic societies and are thus part of the apparatus of democracy. Single parties usually operate in situations in which genuine political conflict is not tolerated. This broad statement is, however, subject to qualification, for, although single parties do not usually permit the expression of points of view that are fundamentally opposed to the party line or ideology, there may well be intense conflict within these limits over policy within the party itself. And even within a two-party or a multiparty system, debate may become so stymied and a particular coalition of interests so entrenched that the democratic process is seriously compromised.

    The distinction between two-party and multiparty systems is not as easily made as it might appear. In any two-party system there are invariably small parties in addition to the two major parties, and there is always the possibility that a third, small party prevents one of the two main parties from gaining a majority of seats in the legislature. This is the case with regard to the Liberal Party in Great Britain, for example. Other countries do not fall clearly into either category; thus, Austria and Germany only approximate the two-party system. It is not simply a question of the number of parties that determines the nature of the two-party system; many other elements are of importance, the extent of party discipline in particular.

    In Anglo-Saxon countries there is a tendency to consider the two-party system as normal and the multiparty system as the exceptional case. But, in fact, the two-party system that operates in Great Britain, the United States, and New Zealand is much rarer than the multiparty system, which is found in almost all of western Europe.

    In western Europe, three major categories of parties have developed since the beginning of the 19th century: conservative, liberal, and socialist. Each reflects the interests of a particular social class and expounds a particular political ideology. After World War I other categories of parties developed that were partly the result of divisions or transformations of older parties. Communist parties began as splinter groups of socialist parties, and Christian Democratic parties attempted to weld together moderate socialists and conservatives and some liberals. Other distinctive types of parties emerged in some countries. In Scandinavia, liberal rural parties developed in the 19th century, reflecting a long tradition of separate representation of the rural population. In many countries ethnic minorities formed the basis of nationalist parties, which then either joined existing parties or divided them.

    The appearance of socialism in the 19th century upset the earlier lines of battle between conservatives and liberals and tended to throw the latter two groups into a common defense of capitalism. Logically, this situation should have led to the fusion of conservatives and liberals into one bourgeois party that would have presented a united stand against socialism. This is, in fact, what happened in Great Britain after World War I.

    One of the most important factors determining the number of parties operating within a particular country is the electoral system. Proportional representation tends to favour the development of multiparty systems because it ensures representation in the legislature for even small parties. The majority, single-ballot system (also known as “first past the post” or “winner take all”) tends to produce a two-party system, because it excludes parties that may gain substantial numbers of votes but not the majority of votes necessary to elect a representative within a constituency. The majority system with a second ballot (also known as the two-round system) favours a multiparty system tempered by alliances between parties. The German Empire (1871–1914) and the French Third (1870–1940) and Fifth (since 1958) republics adopted this system for legislative elections. France also uses the two-round system to select its head of state, as do Austria and Portugal. In the developing world, the two-round system is most often found in former French colonies such as Vietnam, Togo, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Voters choose between the parties that did best in a first ballot. This leaves small parties at a disadvantage but, nevertheless, gives them opportunity to strengthen their role during the second balloting as long as they are willing to enter into alliances with the leading parties.

    Another factor producing multiparty systems is the intensity of political conflicts. If, within a given political movement, extremists are numerous, then it is difficult for the moderates in that party to join with them in a united front. Two rival parties are likely to be formed. Thus, the power of the Jacobins among 19th-century French liberals contributed to the inability of the moderates to form one great liberal party, as was successfully achieved in Great Britain. Likewise, the power of the extremists among the conservatives was an obstacle to the development of a strong conservative party.

    The distinction between the multiparty system and the two-party system corresponds largely to a distinction between two types of Western political regime. In a two-party situation the administration has, in effect, an assurance of a majority in the legislature, deriving from the predominance of one party; it has, therefore, a guarantee of continuance and effectiveness. Such a system is often referred to as majority parliamentarianism. In a multiparty situation, on the other hand, it is quite rare for one party to have a majority in the legislature; governments must, therefore, be founded on coalitions, which are always more heterogeneous and more fragile than a single party. The result is less stability and less political power. Such systems may be referred to as nonmajority parliamentarianism.

  4. A dominant-party system, or one-party dominant system, is a political occurrence in which a single political party continuously dominates election results over running opposition groups or parties. [1] Any ruling party staying in power for more than one consecutive term may be considered a dominant party (also referred to as a predominant or ...

  5. Jan 1, 2012 · Abstract. Why do voters in mature democracies such as Japan, Canada, Italy, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Australia keep re-electing the same party, even though there are reasonable alternatives...

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  7. The Origins of Dominant Parties. In many autocracies, regime leaders share power with a ruling party, which can help generate popular support and reduce conflict among key elites. Such ruling parties are often called dominant parties.

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