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  1. State Ballot Measure Monthly reports • Features of official voter guides • Ballot measures cost per required signatures analysis • 2024 ballot measure campaign finance • 2024 ballot language readability analysis. Ballotpedia's encyclopedic coverage of ballot measures features initiative and/or veto referendums in twenty-six states ...

  2. Ballot measures, also known as propositions or initiatives, are specific questions or issues that are put directly to voters on their ballot. Voters decide to pass or fail ballot measures through direct democracy - by simply voting yes or no. They cover a wide range of topics, such as laws, policies, tax increases or even constitutional amendments.

  3. Mar 21, 2024 · Ballot measures, sometimes called initiatives or referendums, have been a staple of our civic life since at least the 17 th century when New England town meetings used an early form of direct ...

  4. Nov 2, 2023 · Ballot Measures. A ballot measure is a law, issue or topic placed on a statewide or municipal ballot in the United States for voters to decide through an election. This long-existing term is also known as ballot propositions. There are various ballot measure categories across the United States, including those put on the ballot by citizen ...

  5. Ballot measures, also known as ballot initiatives, are policy proposals that are placed before voters on their statewide or local ballot during an election. Ballot measures allow citizens to pass laws or amend their state constitutions directly at the ballot box instead of having their elected representatives decide on an issue for them through ...

  6. Definition and meaning of ballot measure: A ballot measure is a proposed law put before voters to decide on its passage or rejection. It is a direct democracy mechanism that allows citizens to have a say in the laws that govern them, outside of the often-limited options of the two-party system. Ballot measures can range from simple questions ...

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