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  1. Founded in 1961 by Fr. Basilio Rosati, a Passionist priest, the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were entrusted to Fr. Emmanuel du Chalard (SSPX) by Father Basilio in 1996. Currently, our mother-house is in Vigne di Narni, Italy.

  2. Our contact information: For prayer requests or inquiries about a possible visit or vocation in Italy or India, please write us at the address below or email us. Suore Consolatrici Del Sacro Cuore. di Gesu. Via Flaminia Vecchia, 20. 05030 Vigne Di Narni TR. Italy. e-mail: .

  3. Jul 28, 2023 · With only a couple months to go before the founding of a new house in the United States (Phoenix, Arizona), the Consoling Sisters’ annual investiture ceremony took place in Narni, Italy with 16 women becoming novices.

  4. THE CONSOLING SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS - THE BLESSINGS OF TODAY. Here is our latest letter to. Friends and Benefactors, December 2022. Letter to Benefactors, Italy/Vigne di Narni (TR) December 2022. nativity_of_our_lord_2022.pdf. Download File.

  5. Dec 14, 2020 · Founded in 1961 by Fr. Basilio Rosati, a Passionist priest, the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were entrusted to Fr. Emmanuel du Chalard (SSPX) by Father Basilio in 1996. Currently, their motherhouse is in Vigne di Narni, Italy.

  6. Jun 15, 2023 · There will be 12 girls to receive the habit of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart and 10 novices will make their first vows in the Congregation. They come from 10 countries on 5 continents.

  7. Jul 16, 2019 · On June 28, 2019, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in a 14th century church in the Italian hilltop town of Narni, four Americans advanced along the path of religious life in the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart. The ceremony began with two postulants taking the habit of the congregation.

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