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  1. Cooking Up Love Trailer - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Cinnamon Roll Muffin, in a Minute
    I kind of grew up in and amongst farmers markets. I grew up in a town, somewhere in the mountains, near Yosemite National Park, CA. My grandparents owned a huge apple orchard in the town and they would attend various markets, selling apples, cider and apple honey. I'd join them and hang out. One of the markets was a market in Fresno, and THIS market had sweet, hot, fresh, steaming, aromatic cinnamon rolls. These rolls became almost something like a part of my own DNA. Without them, I cannot function. Years later, I owned a catering company outside of Cabo San Lucas, in Mexico. A big part of my catering company was a gigantic portable catering trailer that I'd designed. Because of the horrible and bumpy roads in Mexico, I designed all the cooking devices to run on natural fuels, primarily carbonized coconut shells. Ultimately, it was a 3 ton beast of a machine. To show it off and promote the catering business, I served as a vendor at the local Farmer's Market, pulling my massive kitchen up onto the grass, sparking up my coconut ovens and baking fresh cinnamon rolls, for all the world to sniff out and eat. I LOVE cinnamon rolls! All this said ... it COULD be that I love frosting! A do enjoy a good cinnamon roll, drenched in melting butter; fresh and a little doughy, but if I had to look deep within my own genetic structure, it becomes clear that I run more efficiently on FROSTED cinnamon rolls. What we have here is an EXCEPTIONAL "One Minute Muffin", with a sweet and cinnamon twist, with the very same cream cheese frosting that I used to douse my rolls with, down in Mexico. Just swap out the sweetener for something a little less intense for my blood sugars and ... the end result would've made the 8 year old boy in Fresno smile, ear-to-ear.
    Swiss Army Stew
    Food and Wine
    On a recent visit to the Valais, a region in southwest Switzerland known for both the highest mountain peaks and most vineyards in the country, I attended a small wine festival in the German-speaking village of Saas-Balen. One of the food stalls bore a sign that read “Militär Landküche”; inside, a group of Swiss Army veterans wearing camouflage fatigues and crimson berets were cooking in a real-deal Swiss Army field kitchen. From giant iron vats perched in the back of the mobile kitchen trailer they ladled up a stew of beef, cabbage, and root vegetables in a thin but richly flavored broth. The dish was called spatz, and it was humbly served in a paper bowl, accompanied by a plain slice of brown bread on a paper napkin. Though I had been eagerly anticipating a feast of melted raclette, naturally, I had to try it. It was both unexpected and fascinating, an ideal pairing to the alpine red wines I’d tasted at the event.This dish is simple, utilitarian fare meant for feeding a large group, and it’s deeply nourishing. Every male in Switzerland is required to serve in the military, so the stew is well-known throughout the country, with infinite variations based on the region and season. When I asked my friend Olivier Roten (who is a third-generation Valaisan winemaker of Caves du Paradis in Sierre) about the stew, he recalled eating it regularly from the standard-issue mess kit soldiers carry with them that features two compartments: one side for the stew and the other side for bread and other starchy sides. He explained that stews like this are not only ubiquitous in the military, but to Swiss cuisine in general—so much so that the word for the evening meal in French-speaking Switzerland is le souper, as opposed to le dîner, which is more commonly used in France.I’ve read that spatz is a variation of French pot-au-feu, although certainly a less fussy one. I love it for its simplicity. Everything goes into one pot; a few hours later a meal ideal for the depths of winter emerges. It’s just the right kind of healthy eating for that post-holiday detox, without sacrificing flavor and satisfaction.Swiss wines are wildly underrepresented in the United States, but do seek them out. Perhaps you’ve heard of Chasselas, called Fendant in the Valais, and its kinship to all things cheese, from fondue to raclette, but here’s an opportunity to try a Swiss red. Pinot Noir thrives in the Valais, where it grows in the terraced foothills of the Upper Rhône River Valley alongside Gamay and more rustic indigenous varieties like Humagne Rouge and Cornalin. I found Roten’s 2017 Avalanche Pinot Noir a delicious match to this recipe, with its characteristic silky-smooth texture and hints of holiday spice that mirror the clove and nutmeg found in the broth.