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  1. Dec 9, 2021 · Martin Luther's speech at the Diet of Worms (also known as the Here I Stand Speech) is considered one of the greatest pieces of oratory in world history. It was given in response to the council's questions on whether Luther would stand by his doctrine or recant.

    • Joshua J. Mark
  2. The Diet of Worms was a historic assembly held in 1521 in the city of Worms, Germany. It is most famous for the trial of Martin Luther, where he was called to recant his teachings that opposed the Catholic Church.

  3. Significance of the Diet of Worms. Luther was not the first to criticize Catholic dogma, but he did get the momentum going. He is often referred to as the father of Protestantism. The Diet of Worms provided a louder voice for the Protestants, although the term wasn’t used yet then. Luther’s followers multiplied after he was declared a criminal.

  4. The Proceedings of the Diet. April 2021. Herman Selderhuis. In the spring of 1521, Martin Luther and a few colleagues and a few students boarded a wagon and set out for Worms, a three-hundred-plus-mile journey from Wittenberg. Along the way, they stopped at Erfurt.

  5. Apr 18, 2021 · Luther at Worms reminds us that we received God’s Word as the means to save people from eternal loss. The “testimonies of Scriptures” testify that outside of Christ there is damnation. Luther appeals in Worms to his conscience.

  6. Luther's bold challenge to church authority, which was sparked by his controversial 95 Theses, had ignited a firestorm of religious debate across Europe. The Diet of Worms, as it came to be known, was the pivotal moment in the early years of the Protestant Reformation.

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  8. The “Diet of Worms” we’re talking about concerns a political meeting (Diet) that took place in Worms, Germany in 1521. At issue? That bad boy Martin Luther, who was already on notice for challenging Pope Leo X.

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