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  1. May 6, 2021 · Jacob took a letter [“vav”] from the name of Elijah [the Prophet] as security-that he will come and herald the redemption of his [Jacob’s] children”. So the Midrash connects these two personalities of Yaakov and Eliyahu, in the context of Geulah – the redemption of Am Yisra’el. Yaakov is the personality that makes sure that Eliyahu ...

  2. Yaakov eventually marries both sisters, and Leah gives birth to six sons and a daughter, while Rachel remains barren. Rachel and Leah give their handmaids, Bilhah and Zilpah, to Yaakov as wives as well, and four more sons are born. Finally, Rachel gives birth to Yosef.

  3. Mar 29, 2017 · At the center of this week's parasha we find the blessings that Yaakov bestows - first upon Ephraim and Menasheh, and then on the rest of his children, followed immediately by the description of Yaakov's death and burial.

  4. Nov 24, 2022 · The love of their parents is divided here, and in many ways, the fate of these two beautiful children, who have yet to have any strife between them, has been sealed as oppositional. How does this come to happen?

  5. Jan 10, 2020 · The parsha opens by telling us that Yaakov was 147 years old and had spent the last 17 years living in Egypt, reunited with all of his children. He sensed the end of his life was near and gathered his children together, blessed them, and said goodbye. The next verse informs us: בראשית מ״ט:ל״ג.

  6. Two separate explanations are given for the name of one of Yaakov’s children. Which child, and what are the explanations? Of the 12 children born in the parashah, how many does Yaakov name himself? From the Haftarah (Hoshea 11:7-12:12 for Sefardim and 12:13-14:10 for Ashkenazim) Haftarah for Sefaradim: Where did Yaakov supplant his brother?

  7. Dec 1, 2022 · Unlike Esav who pretty much emerges from the womb whole cloth, and never really evolves beyond what we see in him as a child, Yaakov has to go through a very long process of physical, mental and...

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