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  1. Archilochus: Sacred Obscenity and Judgment. The vita of Aesop is something of a prototype, both in its fullness and in its ringing the changes on the “sacred” scapegoat theme. The lives of many Greek poets include similar themes.

  2. The Roman poet Horace claimed to have been the first to introduce Parian (Archolochean) iambuses into Latin. Archilochus is considered a founder of the Western literary tradition.

  3. Archilochus was noted in ancient times for outspoken vituperative iambic poetry. He lived in a time of colonization and vigorous intellectual movement, in which there was often a tendency to challenge the prevailing aristocratic status and ideals.

  4. Jun 22, 2019 · The study of ancient Greek poetry has been immensely enriched by papyrus finds (Alcman’s Partheneion, poems by Sappho), and the second century AD Cologne papyrus (fr.196a) of A. is regarded by S as one of the most significant finds of the 20th century: she gives it 20 pages of commentary.

  5. Coin from ancient Thasos showing Satyr and nymph, late 5th century BC. Archilochus was involved in the Parian colonization of Thasos about two centuries before the coin was minted. His poetry includes vivid accounts of life as a warrior, seafarer and lover.

  6. Archilochus, for instance, who was an excellent poet, first boasts of his ability to take part in political struggles, and then remembers his gift for poetry, in the words: But I am a servitor of Lord Enyalius, and yet I am skilled in the lovely gift of the Muses.

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  8. Jun 2, 2024 · Photograph of a silver coin from Paros, dated to around 200 BCE. Pictured is Archilochus of Paros, seated on a diphros, holding a lyre in his left hand and a plectrum in his right hand. The inscription in front of the poet reads ΠΑΡΙΩΝ = ‘of the people of Paros’; behind him, it reads ΑΝΑΞΙΚ.

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