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  1. The new study explores Chinese families that have a strong preference for sons, where daughters are expected to make substantial financial or labor contributions to their parents before and after...

  2. In China, only 4.8 per cent of fathers and 6.5 per cent of mothers choose to live with their daughters. Professor Asadullah said the numbers favoured sons mostly because of patriarchal traditions.

  3. Younger sons leave their parents to form their own families when they marry, and the house head no longer has the legal right to manage all family property. Since implementation of the New Civil Code, all children have equal claim to their parents' property.

  4. Researchers from Monash University Malaysia's Business School warn that the traditional preference for a son rather than a daughter, may worsen gender inequality in rapidly aging Asian...

  5. As principal investigator of the Midwest Longitudinal Study of Asian American Families (ML-SAAF), Choi is attempting to dispel the mythology and provide a more illuminating perspective on the ways in which Asian American families raise children.

  6. In the newest season of Netflix’s “Never Have I Ever,” it’s uttered by main character Devi Vishwakumar’s first Indian American boyfriend, the hot son of her mom’s new friend. Hearing ...

  7. How do they cope with the complexities of parenting? To uncover changing mothering trends in Asia, Ipsos embarked on Mothering Excellence, a self-funded qualitative research study spanning the 11 key markets of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, South Korea, India, Taiwan, Japan and China.

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