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  1. Jun 13, 2021 · 34 He trains my hands for battle, So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze. 35 You have also given me the shield of Your salvation, And Your right hand upholds me; And Your gentleness makes me great. 36 You enlarge my steps under me, And my feet have not slipped.

  2. “Ah,” he said to himself, “I cannot discern the coils of the bronze snake, but I can see the shining of the bronze”; and he lived. Oh, poor soul, if you cannot see all of Christ nor all his beauties, nor all the riches of his grace, yet if you can only see him who was made sin for us you shall live.

  3. The bronze serpent healed me when first I saw the Lord; and the bronze serpent heals me tonight, and shall do so until I die. “Look and live” is for saints as well as for sinners. For you, you ungodly ones, “There is life for a look at the Crucified One.”

  4. Bronze shall be of no service, And tin [shall be of no service and] shall not be esteemed, And lead shall not be desired. 9 And all these things shall be [denied and] destroyed from the surface of the earth, When the Elect One shall appear before the face of the Lord of Spirits.' [Chapter 53]

  5. They set up the strangest statues, in iron, marble, bronze, and brass, before his door; and darkened his house with the legs and tails of uncouth images of horses. He wondered what it all meant, smiled in a rough good-humoured way he had, and kept at his hard work.

  6. Mar 12, 2010 · This biography is excerpted from Randy’s new book We Shall See God: Charles Spurgeon’s Classic Devotional Thoughts on Heaven.

  7. Charles Spurgeon. Grace, Soul, Doe. A little thorn may cause much suffering. A little cloud may hide the sun. Little foxes spoil the vines; and little sins do mischief to the tender heart. These little sins burrow in the soul, and make it so full of that which is hateful to Christ, that he will hold no comfortable fellowship and communion with us.

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