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  2. Dec 1, 2021 · The evidence is clear: Christmas is a pagan holiday, God does not want to be worshiped using pagan traditions, and Jesus Christ condemns as hypocrites those who ignore God’s commands in order to keep traditions of any kind.

  3. Around Christmastime, you are likely to hear the objection that Christmas is a Christo-pagan holiday, a mash-up of pagan beliefs and Christian celebration. Here are two of the objections you might meet, and a helpful way to respond to each.

  4. Dec 25, 2020 · Perhaps the celebration of Christmas was timed to coincide with the winter solstice, or was adapted from a pagan celebration, or perhaps something else. What does it matter? If Christ was born on December 25, or the 4th of July, or Cinco de Mayo, how would that change anything about Christianity?

  5. For years, viral tweets and TikToks have said that Christmas is a pagan holiday. So is it? And if Christmas is a pagan holiday, what should Christians do? We investigated the roots of Christmas to see what history (and the experts) had to say.

  6. Dec 25, 2020 · One is that December 25 was a pagan holiday for celebrating the birth of the sun, and that Christians adapted and countered that pagan idea with the celebration of the true Light of the World. That’s one explanation, and that would be back in the Roman days, not just later in the Germanic time.

  7. Nov 22, 2021 · German nationalists made up the idea that Christmas trees were derived from a Saxon pagan practice because they wanted to turn Christmas into a celebration of German identity.

  8. Dec 18, 2023 · For Christians, Christmas isnt a refurbished pagan holiday but a heartfelt celebration of the birth of Jesus, with its unique traditions and meanings. Sure, Christmas trees and gift exchanges are all good, but at the core, it’s all about remembering that moment when heaven touched earth.

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