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  1. Christianity also influenced Viking warfare, shaping the moral codes and strategies of Viking warriors. The Christian Vikings left a lasting legacy, contributing to literature, language, and the spread of Christianity in the Viking territories.

  2. Dec 22, 2019 · Warriors, Warlocks, Widows: Women and Weapons in the Viking World. By Leszek Gardeła. The recent reinterpretation of a richly furnished chamber grave Bj 581 discovered at the Viking Age site of Birka, Sweden, suggesting that the occupant was a female warrior, has captured the imagination of history aficionados all around the world and has led ...

    • Is This The First Confirmed Grave of A Female Warrior That We have?
    • What Do We Know About The Life of The Viking Warrior Woman in Bj 581?
    • How Do We Know That There Were Viking Warrior Women?
    • Is It Possible For Historians to Remove All of Those Biases?
    • What Most Surprised You in The Course of Researching Your Book?

    This is the one that has the best proof. There are one or two others that have since been DNA tested and proven to be female. But in each of these cases, it’s hard to say if the person in the grave, whether male or female, actually was a warrior, or if the object that we are interpreting as a weapon was used for hunting or for some other purpose. I...

    In 2017, by testing her bones and her teeth, [scholars] could say she was between 30 and 40 years old when she died. They could also tell that she ate well all of her life. So she came from a rich family or maybe even a royal one. She was also quite tall, about 5’7”. By the minerals in her inner teeth, [scholars can determine] she may have come fro...

    They are mentioned many, many, many times in the literature. In most cases, they have been dismissed as mythological because, of course, we know warriors were men. But we don’t know that. That is an assumption that is based on traditional Victorian ideas that because women are mothers, they’re nurturing, they’re peacemakers, and they don’t fight. T...

    No, I don’t think it is. I think we all are looking through our own lenses. But we have to revisit those sources every generation to see past biases. So when you have layer after layer after layer of removing biases, you may get closer to the truth.

    One of the controversies right now in Viking studies is should we really be talking about men and women at all? Maybe there were all kinds of different genders. We don’t know if there were more than two genders in the Viking age. Maybe it was a spectrum. If you look at this one group of sagas called the Sagas of Ancient Timesthat are often overlook...

    • Sarah Durn
  3. Sep 9, 2017 · The Norse and Icelandic sagas, passed down orally but eventually written down, offer another option to explore the Nordic view of women, although the stories were almost certainly meddled with by Christian scholars, whose work reflected contemporary worldviews rather than true accounts of the Viking age.

  4. Sep 6, 2021 · Brown, Nancy Marie. "The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women."World History Encyclopedia.World History Encyclopedia, 06 Sep 2021. Web. 25 May 2024.

  5. Nov 21, 2021 · published on 21 November 2021. From the sagas, the most famous type of female Viking warrior was the shield maiden who took up arms and fought side by side in battle with the men. Mirroring them in the spiritual world is the Valkyries (whose name literally means choosers of the slain).

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  7. Aug 17, 2021 · These biases come from both the values of Victorian society and Christianity, where women were confined to the home. These strict gender lines, as shown through the extensive historical and archaeological evidence provided by Nancy, simply were not there during the Viking Age.

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