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  1. A translation is when a translator takes the text of one language (i.e., Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic), which is unreadable to the majority of Christians and converts it to the equivalent text in English (or the common language for another culture). The problem with translation is there is not always an equivalent text.

  2. Oct 31, 2023 · In the end, the search for a single most accurate Bible translation is somewhat misguided. As noted Bible scholar Fee states: “The best translation is both accurate and clear. To achieve such transparency requires the translators to constantly make decisions about the best way to bring the original-language text over into English in each verse.

  3. Jun 17, 2015 · It does not work in English, but it works in Hebrew and many other languages. “Lie the lying of a woman” means “lie the way you would lie with a woman”. The KJV comes about as close as you can to a literal English version: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination”. The translation in your link is wrong.

  4. Dec 7, 2016 · In a nutshell, the most significant way the various translations of the Bible differ from one another is in translation method – the degree to which individual words in the target language are connected to specific individual words in the original language. We speak roughly of two methods: word-for-word on the one hand and thought-for-thought ...

  5. Jun 9, 2009 · These manuscripts allegedly deny salvation by grace through faith, the resurrection of Christ, and the existence of hell, and affirm any number of other heresies and errors. Therefore, since nearly all modern translations 8 are based upon these “corrupt” manuscripts, the translations are also corrupt and should be rejected by all “Bible ...

  6. Feb 20, 2024 · By the way, Bible Gateway is a free online source for a lot of different versions of the Bible. Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus, Tyndale New Testament, Erasmus Manuscripts. Masoretic Text, Nestle-Aland Text, plus many more (see below). Earlier in the article, I gave The SBL Study Bible a 5-star rating, which is my own.

  7. Jan 13, 2023 · Scholars developing English translations of the Bible are balancing two goals: reliability and readability. They want to stay true to the wording of original-language manuscripts, while also providing an understandable reading experience. Sometimes we assume that a strictly literal, word-for-word translation would be the most accurate, but that ...

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