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    • Just do it. Don't hem and haw when faced with change. As Nike says, just do it. Hesitation often leads to doing things the same old way and expecting a different result.
    • There will be a lot of naysayers. Tune out the noise. Everyone has opinions, and they often don't hold back. That's OK, but surround yourself with like-minded people.
    • Look for opportunities that support your change. I didn't realize how many plant-based food options there would be in restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, etc.
    • Small changes often have big impacts. I've found that when we overthink or overcomplicate a task, it leads to accomplishing nothing. So, break down tasks in the pursuit of change.
    • Steps – One Small Change
    • Buddy System
    • Think Small and Simple
    • Your Thoughts
    • Women’s Group Topic
    Create a list – of all the changes you want to make in your current life. This list could be a small or a huge long list that will take a lifetime to implement. Put everything on it – yet think sma...
    Identify – After creating your primary list, select the top three changes that add the most value to your life.
    Choose – One value change you believe is the most important and where you want to focus your attention.
    Break it down – create a list of actions for this change.

    It may be helpful to find a buddy who also wants to make a change in their life. You can support each and keep both of you accountable for what you want to add to your life.

    When you choose to change, you are most successful when you start small, building on each step along the way, and before you know it, you have made an impactful change in your life. Trust going small will work out for you.

    Do you want to make a change and resist because it feels overwhelming, given all you have to do in your life? If so, get coffee, tea, water, or wine, get a piece of paper, start brainstorming, and see what comes up. Trust that you can create the change you want in your life.

    An excellent topic for a group setting. Share your feelings about change, and help each other get past the feeling stage and into the change creation and action steps. Be the support of each other. Be well, Pat “To fully enjoy the ‘richness’ of our lives, we need to stop long enough to visit with ourselves.” (Pat Brill) You May Be Interested in The...

  1. Aug 24, 2021 · We all make small decisions every day that have a lasting impact on our lives. Sometimes, these decisions are big enough to change the course of our entire future. Here are four stories of people who made small decisions that had a huge impact on their lives.

    • It's been a long time since you picked up a new interest or made a new friend. People feel better when they're growing. If you haven't developed a new interest or made a new friend in the last six months, that may be a signal to put yourself in more situations in which this could occur.
    • Life feels permanently chaotic. Does the way you work, eat, spend your money or time, or run your household feel constantly chaotic? If your activities of daily living always feel chaotic, that's a sign you need to simplify or take other action.
    • You're not enjoying your family. In both romantic relationships and parenting, when things go south, they tend to follow this typical pattern: Your positive bond erodes, and then problem behavior increases.
    • Time feels like it's passing in a blur or too slowly. When we do things that are new to us, like taking on a new challenge, it tends to make time feel more distinct.
  2. Feb 17, 2024 · Optimize your time management by implementing small changes in your daily routine. Organize tasks, prioritize them, and eliminate distractions. This 1% improvement in productivity can...

  3. Mar 8, 2023 · Wondering how to make changes in life but have been a procrastinator? Here're 4 immediate ways for tired and lazy people to finally make changes in life.

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  5. Aug 2, 2022 · If you’re struggling to tackle a new goal or create personal change in your life or work, here are eight steps to empower yourself to reach your objectives.

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