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    • Peter and the Lame Man Bible Activity | Crossword Puzzle
      • This is a fairly simple crossword puzzle that highlights elements in Luke’s account of God’s using Peter to heal a lame man in Jesus’ name (see Acts 3:1-10). Why was Peter, who had no money, able to help the lame man experience what he really needed? Because Peter knew Jesus, and there is power in Jesus’ name! › activity › peter-and-the-lame-man-crossword-puzzle
  1. Mar 1, 2016 · In Acts 3, Peter and John heal a man who was lame from birth. There are three ways to look at the miracle of this passage. First, we can look at the man himself. Over 40 years old ( Acts 4:22 ), he was doubt- less a pitiable sight.

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  3. As Peter and John were on their way into the temple they met this man who had been lame from birth. It has always been a puzzle to me why this man had not been healed by Jesus. Evidently he had been brought to the temple habitually for a long, long time, and Jesus must certainly have seen him as he passed into the temple.

  4. God used Peter to heal a man who never had been able to walk. Jesus was no longer physically present, but His followers were to represent Him wherever they went. Peter did so when he healed the lame man in Jesus’ name.

    • The lame man miraculously strengthened. As Peter raised the lame man up, his feet and ankles became strong (Acts 3:7). Can you believe it? It was so overwhelming he must have probably thought he was only dreaming.
    • Peter and John healed the man without medicine. Yes, Peter and John didn’t perform any medical treatment. Neither did they use special tools. But they were able to let the man walk for the first time in his life.
    • The man started believing in God, praising Him for his healing. As the man began walking, he couldn’t help but leap with so much joy and excitement (Acts 3:8).
    • The incident also amazed the crowd enough for them to believe in God. Have you seen an accident? Let’s say two vehicles bumped into each other. What would you normally do?
  5. Jan 27, 2019 · Peter healing a lame man is significant for several reasons. First, Jesus healed many crippled persons during his ministry, Mark 2:1-12 for example. Second, he was a well-known beggar who was crippled from birth. People knew he was unable to walk, and that had never walked in his life. He was not paralyzed or injured.

  6. May 17, 2020 · Here are some coloring pages, puzzles and other activities for you to help you learn more about the time Peter and John Healed a Lame Man. Ask your parents or an adult to help you print them out or find the supplies you’ll need for each one.

  7. Peter’s healing of the lame man who suffered since birth with this infirmity can give us confidence that even the deepest-seated inclinations and proclivities to sin can be removed. With this symbolic action, he gave his apostolic witness of the infinite power of the Atonement of Christ.

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