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  1. › wiki › Qing_dynastyQing dynasty - Wikipedia

    After his death, the dynasty faced internal revolts, economic disruption, official corruption, foreign intrusion, and the reluctance of Confucian elites to change their mindsets. With peace and prosperity, the population rose to 400 million, but taxes and government revenues were fixed at a low rate, soon leading to fiscal crisis.

  2. 清朝的六部虽然沿袭明朝,但是清朝的六部的权力不如前朝,六部尚书更不能直接对部下发命令,而六部尚书也不是行政首长。 六部的权限权力集中到皇帝手里,同时還有满漢之分,有一个汉人尚书,就必须有一个满洲尚书,并且始终以满尚书为主 [書⁠ 11] :148 ...

  3. 清朝 人口在中國古代歷史上為最高 ,其 國內生產毛額 (GDP)總量所占的世界比例在中國近三千年歷史上也是最高的,據 英國 經濟學家麥迪森 的研究 ,按照1990年美元價格計算,1820年清朝GDP總量為2286億美元,占世界GDP總量的32.9%,中國人均GDP為600美元,當時 ...

  4. › wiki › 清清 - Wikipedia

    清朝皇族の爵位は通常1代ごとに降下する。 特に功績がなければ親王の子は郡王、郡王の子は貝勒というように爵位が下がっていく。 しかし、特に功績が大きかった皇族は世襲が認められ、爵位が降下しないことから 鉄帽子王 ( 中国語版 ) と呼ばれた。

  5. 清朝(1636年5月15日或1644年6月6日 -1912年2月12日),国号大清(满语: ᡩᠠᡳ᠌ᠴᡳᠩ ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ ,穆麟德转写: daicing gurun ) ,并使用中国(满语: ᡩ᠋ᡠ᠋ᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ

  6. The Qing Dynasty or the Qing Empire (Chinese: 清朝; pinyin: Qīng cháo) was a dynasty of rulers of China from 1644 to 1912. The dynasty was founded by the Manchus and so its other name is the Manchu dynasty. The surname of the Qing emperors was Aisin Gioro. It became the Republic of China in 1912 after the 1911 Xinhai Revolution.

  7. The History of Ming is the final official Chinese history included in the Twenty-Four Histories. It consists of 332 volumes and covers the history of the Ming dynasty from 1368 to 1644. It was written by a number of officials commissioned by the court of Qing dynasty, with Zhang Tingyu as the lead editor. The compilation started in the era of ...

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