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  1. Анкилостомијаза је обољење које изазива нематода Ancylostoma duodenale, а најчешће се јавља у подручјима са тропском и суптропском климом.

  2. Ancylostoma duodenale is a species of the roundworm genus Ancylostoma. It is a parasitic nematode worm and commonly known as the Old World hookworm. It lives in the small intestine of hosts such as humans, cats and dogs, where it is able to mate and mature.

  3. Aug 20, 2024 · Mnoge njihove parazitske forme uključuju patogene u mnogim biljkama i životinjama, uključujući i čoveka. Infekcije nematodama kod ljudi izazvane su dvema vrstama crva: Ancylostoma duodenale i Necator americanus. Odrasli crvi se pričvršćuju za sluzokožu tankog creva.

    • Discovery and History
    • Structure
    • Life Cycle
    • Pathogenicity
    • Epidemiology
    • Diagnosis
    • Treatment
    • Genome
    • External Links

    Since the description of Ancylostoma ceylanicum by Arthur Looss in 1911, and A. braziliense by Gomes de Faria in 1910, the two species were considered synonymous because of their apparent similarities in almost all respects. In 1913, comparison of specimens from human, dog, cat and lion infections in India led to the conclusion that they were defin...

    The adult hookworms are white and about 6–10 mm long. They are generally stouter than A. braziliense. The anterior end is bent dorsally, which gives the body a characteristic "hooked" or J-shaped appearance, hence the common name hookworm. Females have a tapered narrow posterior end, while males have a feathery posterior end owing to their copulato...

    The Infective larvae quickly undergo moulting to shed their sheath either upon ingestion by the host or upon burrowing into the host's skin. If ingested, they pass through the stomach into the intestine and attach themselves to the mucosa. If they have burrowed through the skin, they invade the subcutaneous blood vessels, are carried to the lungs, ...

    Ancylostoma ceylanicum attaches itself to capillary beds in the small intestine of a host where it feeds on blood and causes anaemia. In hamsters anaemia is most severe between the 13th and 60th days of infection, and is accompanied by significant loss in body weight. Experimental infection of hamsters shows increased antibodies, peripheral cellula...

    Ancylostoma ceylanicum infection is found in Cambodia, Malaysia, The Solomon Islands, Australia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Madagascar, Indonesia, Fiji Islands and Taiwan.

    Infection is detectable from a stool sample of the host. Eggs can be microscopically analysed. However, there is no clear-cut distinction between different hookworms due to their physical similarity, and species are often mistaken for one another. The Kato-Katz method and molecular techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to d...

    Ivermectin is highly effective even at the low dose of 100 μg per kg, and pyrantel is also effective at 25–50 mg per kg. Benzimidazoles such as mebendazole, parbendazole and thiabendazoleare also highly effective.

    A draft assembly of the genome of Ancylostoma ceylanicum has been sequenced and analyzed. It comprises 313 Mb, estimated to be 95% of the full genome, with transcriptomic data throughout infection showing expression of 30,738 predicted protein-coding genes. These include genes encoding three gene families upregulated during successive stages of inf...

    A. ceylanicumgenome at WormBase
    A. ceylanicumgenome at ParaSite
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  5. › wiki › AncylostomaAncylostoma - Wikipedia

    Ancylostoma is a genus of nematodes that includes some species of hookworms . Species include: Ancylostoma braziliense, commonly infects cats, popularly known in Brazil as bicho-geográfico. Ancylostoma caninum, commonly infects dogs. Ancylostoma ceylanicum.

  6. Ancylostoma caninum is a species of nematode known as a hookworm, which principally infects the small intestine of dogs. [1][2][3] The result of A. caninum infection ranges from asymptomatic cases to death of the dog; better nourishment, increasing age, prior A. caninum exposure, or vaccination are all linked to improved survival. [2][4][5][6] O...

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