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  1. Sep 29, 2014 · An English speaker would surely recognize the wording here as being (from their perspective) "mostly English"—but if several crucial words in a small amount of space are unknown to the reader, the sentence is, for practical purposes, unintelligible. And as goes the sentence, so goes the dialect.

  2. In linguistics, mutual intelligibility is a relationship between languages or dialects in which speakers of different but related varieties can readily understand each other without prior familiarity or special effort.

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  4. Feb 8, 2018 · For instance, Tangier Island in Virginia has an unusual dialect which can be unintelligible even to other Americans. Some speech patterns, included rounded Os, seem like a dead ringer for the ...

  5. Oct 10, 2014 · Especially that a significant portion of the literate population were speakers of French. Conversely, most modern English speakers would find Chaucerian English unintelligible. Whereas, native Shakespearean English speakers and modern English speakers would have a high degree of mutual intelligibility.

  6. Hans Henrich Hoch: "[The] distinction between language and dialect is based on the notion [of] 'mutual intelligibility': Dialects of the same language should be mutually intelligible, while different languages are not. This mutual intelligibility, in turn, would then be a reflection of the similarities between different varieties of speech.

  7. Dialects can be classified at broader or narrower levels: within a broad national or regional dialect, various more localised sub-dialects can be identified, and so on. The combination of differences in pronunciation and use of local words may make some English dialects almost unintelligible to speakers from other regions without any prior ...

  8. to take old problems in linguistic theory and interpretation and address these to new languages, especially to American Indian languages which have the practical advantages of being numerous, diverse, and available. One of these problems concerns the old and difficult question of dialect versus separate language.

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