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  1. San Juan Quiahije Chatino Sign Language (Spanish: Lengua de señas chatina de San Juan Quiahije) is an emerging village sign language of the indigenous Chatino villages of San Juan Quiahije and Cieneguilla in Oaxaca, Mexico, used by both the deaf and some of the hearing population.

  2. Los chatinos son un pueblo muy cercano en lengua y cultura a los zapotecos, cuyas lenguas constituyen la otra parte del grupo de lenguas zapotecanas. Los chatinos llaman a su propia lengua chat'ña, que significa palabra difícil. La lengua chatina goza de reconocimiento como lengua nacional en México.

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  4. The Chatino languages are a group of three languages: Zenzontepec Chatino, spoken in about 10 communities in the district of Sola de Vega; Tataltepec Chatino, spoken in Tataltepec de Valdés; and a group of dialects collectively called the Eastern Chatino language, spoken in about 15–17 communities.

  5. Language name. The name "Mixteco" is a Nahuatl exonym, from mixtecatl, from mixtli [miʃ.t͡ɬi] ("cloud") + -catl ("inhabitant of place of"). Speakers of Mixtec use an expression (which varies by dialect) to refer to their own language, and this expression generally means "sound" or "word of the rain": dzaha dzavui in Classical Mixtec; or "word of the people of the rain", dzaha Ñudzahui ...

  6. Eastern Chatino alphabet and pronunciation. This is the Practical Orthography of Eastern Chatino Varieties devised by Emiliana Cruz [ source ]. In this orthography Chatino is written in lower case, with tone letters at the ends of words in upper case, or in some case the tone letters are written above the words they are attached to, e.g. chaq F ...

  7. Description: Este diccionario bilingüe contiene la mayoría de los vocablos principales del idioma chatino de la zona alta (Panixtlahuaca, Oaxaca, México). Las entradas de ambas secciones, chatinoespañol y españolchatino, incluyen categorías gramaticales, traducción con diferentes acepciones y formas derivadas como subentradas.

  8. The Chatino are an indigenous group of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. The term "Chatino" is a Spanish rendering of the word cha'tno ̨, which glosses literally as "words work." The Chatino use this word to refer both to their language and themselves.

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