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  1. Cooking Up Love Crockpot Chili Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Easy Mexican Mac and Cheese
    Creamy, cheesy, spicy...and cooks up easily in your crockpot even if you don't have a kitchen. At your desk at work? Yes! Anywhere with an electrical outlet! This is not one of those "dump and go" recipes as you can't leave your crockpot unattended, but a tastier alternative to boxed mac and cheese. It is not, however, better texture or taste than from-scratch mac and cheese on the stove. This recipe was created for a crockpot cooking contest and truthfully, you will love it even more it you make the recipe in a pot on the stove. You can always transfer to a crockpot for party-style serving. Enjoy!
    Weight Watchers Southwestern Chicken Soup
    Warm, and filling chicken soup with all the flavors we love, I’ve written the recipe as posted, but made it simpler by just browning the chicken breast whole, putting everything in the crockpot, and cooking on low for about 6 hours, then shredding the chicken just before serving – EASY peasy and delicious, from the Weight Watchers site and only 3 Smart Points per serving” Something is wrong with the site and won't let this show up on my recipes so reprinting in hope it'll fix the issue
    Vegetarian Chili for the Crock Pot
    Love chili, hate the fat? Try this vivacious veggie chili. Super simple, “dump and cook” recipe that is perfect for cool autumn nights. Can serve with corn chips, baked potatoes, cheese, etc. I make up the night before and when leaving for work just plug in my crockpot. The house smells amazing when I get home.