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  1. WWF is committed to saving endangered species. Learn more about the species we are working to protecting from becoming endangered or extinct.

  2. The IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria are intended to be an easily and widely understood system for classifying species at high risk of global extinction. It divides species into nine categories: Not Evaluated, Data Deficient, Least Concern, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Extinct in the Wild and Extinct .

  3. An IUCN Red List Critically Endangered (CR or sometimes CE) species is one that has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.

  4. Jun 11, 2024 · Critically endangered species, an endangered species that faces an extremely high risk of extinction in wild habitats, as defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is one of the most well-known objective assessment systems for.

  5. Our 2022 Living Planet Report shows global wildlife populations have plummeted by 69% on average since 1970. While there have been amazing and inspirational wildlife successes and stories in the past, many animals are still endangered mostly due to unsustainable human-led activities.

  6. Jan 11, 2024 · Critically endangered species include orangutans, gorillas and the black rhino; reptiles such as the Hawksbill sea turtle and bog turtle; amphibians such as the axolotl and Chinese giant salamander; and insects such as the rusty patched bumblebee and golden-eyed stick insect.

  7. Vulnerable, Endangered and Critically Endangered species are considered to be threatened with extinction. The IUCN Red List will be updated with thousands of new species assessments and reassessments on Tuesday 22 October 2024.

  8. Species assessed as Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), or Vulnerable (VU) are referred to as "threatened" species. However, Extinct in the Wild (EW) species can move into the threatened categories following successful reintroduction.

  9. Version 2014.2 of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species identified 4574 Critically Endangered species, subspecies and varieties, stocks and subpopulations.

  10. A species is classified as critically endangered when its population has declined at least 90 percent and the cause of the decline is known. A species is also classified as endangered when its population has declined at least 80 percent and the cause of the decline is not known.

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