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  1. In medieval literature, when humans and animals meet—whether as friends or foes—issues of mastery and submission are often at stake. In the Skin of a Beast shows how the concept of sovereignty comes to the fore in such narratives, reflecting larger concerns about relations of authority and dominion at play in both human-animal and human-human interactions. Peggy McCracken discusses a range ...

  2. Jan 4, 2022 · The word dominion means “rule or power over.”. God has sovereign power over His creation and has delegated the authority to mankind to have dominion over the animals ( Genesis 1:26 ). David reinforces this truth: “You made [mankind] rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet” ( Psalm 8:6 ).

  3. Sep 22, 2017 · Abstract. C. S. Lewis thought often about the meaning of humanity’s “dominionover the earth and its animals (Genesis 1:26), and he insists it does not indicate a dispassionate, heavy-handed conquest of other creatures. Instead, he articulates a gentler vision of humanity’s role in Creation.

    • Michael J. Gilmour
    • 2017
  4. early modem, the dominion of mankind over the animal world was expanding. Contact with animals was increasing, but it was through things such as public vivisections, the opening of royal and aristocratic zoos to the public, and an increase in the selection of expensive pets from the New World and the East. If one follows Strauss' notion that

  5. Abstract. Although critics have used the Talking Beasts of Narnia along with Genesis as support for human “dominionover animals, such usage is not altogether warranted. In The Magician’s Nephew, the roles of Adam and Eve are distributed among various characters, including the Talking Beasts.

    • Jean E Graham
    • 2019
  6. Dominion, Empathy, and Symbiosis Gender and Anthropocentrism in Romanticism Animals have arguably been the oldest metaphor used to define hu-manity, to construct human identities by symbolizing what humans are and are not. Appropriated for whichever rhetoric they serve, they occupy a Procrustean bed of order and disorder, innocence and

  7. In medieval literary texts, as McCracken demonstrates, human dominion over animals is a disputed model for sovereign relations among people: it justifies exploitation even as it mandates protection and care, and it depends on reiterations of human-animal difference that paradoxically expose the tenuous nature of human exceptionalism.

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