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  2. In the biblical world sin is, from its first appearance, tragic and mysterious. It is tragic because it represents a fall from the high original status of humankind. Created in God's image, Adam and Eve are good but immature, fine but breakable, like glass dishes.

  3. Dec 7, 2023 · Sin is described in the Bible as transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7; Joshua 1:18). Sin had its beginning with Lucifer, probably the most beautiful and powerful of the angels.

    • What Is Sin?
    • What Does The Bible Say About Sin?
    • Sin Dominates
    • Sin Devastates
    • Sin Separates
    • How Can I Know If Something Is A Sin?
    • Are There Different Levels of Sin?

    In the Bible, the word sin – whether it is in the Hebrew or the Greek – actually means to miss the mark. The reason this definition is so important is because it points to two things. First, there is a target we are aiming at, and second it speaks to our intention. Once we know there is a target, then we can choose to hit it or to miss it. The targ...

    As I said before, sin is not something that should be taken lightly, and the Bible speaks a lot about sin. Here are some verses that speak to the nature of sin.

    When you think about what sin is, you must recognize that sin looks to dominate a person’s life. Sin doesn’t come in to be nice, sin comes in to take control. Sin is a relentless master that looks to steer and direct every aspect of a person’s life. Before you got saved, whether you realized it or not, you were dominated and controlled by sin. Don’...

    There is a truth about sin that we often don’t want to admit – sin is destructive. Sin destroys families, it destroys relationships, it destroys careers, it destroys ministries. If you allow it to linger, it will destroy everything in its path. This is why sin is so dangerous. There are so many examples from the Bible that show the devastation that...

    Perhaps the most serious aspect of sin is that it is the only thing that separates us from God. Because God is holy, sin cannot dwell in his presence. Thus it is the reason why it separates us from him. Romans 8talks about what can separate us from the love of God. The argument Paul was making is that there is nothing and no one that could ever sep...

    Thankfully, we have two gauges in our lives to help us define and know what sin is. The first gauge is the word of God, and the second is the Spirit of God. God’s word is clear in defining things that are black and white and are sinful without any question or room for debate. For example, you don’t have to ask if sexual relations with someone other...

    The first thing you must be clear on is that all sin is bad. James 2:10says “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” What we sometimes fail to realize is that while all sin is bad and destructive, some sins have a higher price tag attached to them than others. This means the consequences ...

  4. Feb 12, 2024 · Bible commentator Don Stewart defines sin, according to 1 John 3:4, as lawlessness. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, sin means deviating from obedience to God’s character and will. In the Bible, sin is described as a transgression of the law of God and rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7; Joshua 1:18).

  5. › beginner › what-is-sinWhat Is Sin? - Bible Study

    How does the Bible define sin? Why is God concerned about it? What does it mean to obey the Lord in spirit?

  6. The biblical definition of sin is found in 1 John 3:4: “Sin is the transgression of the law” (King James Version). To sin is to transgress, or break, the law of God. The Bible says a lot about sin. It tells us that all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and that sin leads to death (Romans 6:23).

  7. Dec 9, 2021 · Wayne Grudem says, “Sin is any failure to conform to the moral law of God in act, attitude, or nature.” 1 Simply, sin is when we fail to look like God and depend on him. Tony Evans said this about sin: Sin makes us self-centered and self-dependent instead of God centered and God-dependent.

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