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  1. Mar 8, 2020 · 5.9K. 306K views 4 years ago. Amid shouts of praise and the waving of palm branches, Jesus triumphantly entered into the city of Jerusalem. This event marked the beginning of the most...

    • 6 min
    • 309.4K
    • Messages of Christ
    • Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday. On the Sunday before his death, Jesus began his trip to Jerusalem, knowing that soon he would lay down his life for our sins.
    • On Monday, Jesus Clears the Temple. The following morning, Jesus returned with his disciples to Jerusalem. Along the way, he cursed a fig tree because it had failed to bear fruit.
    • On Tuesday, Jesus Goes to the Mount of Olives. On Tuesday morning, Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem. They passed the withered fig tree on their way, and Jesus spoke to his companions about the importance of faith.
    • Holy Wednesday. The Bible doesn't say what the Lord did on the Wednesday of Passion Week. Scholars speculate that after two exhausting days in Jerusalem, Jesus and his disciples spent this day resting in Bethany in anticipation of Passover.
  2. Jan 4, 2022 · The triumphal entry is that of Jesus coming into Jerusalem on what we know as Palm Sunday, the Sunday before the crucifixion ( John 12:1, 12 ). The story of the triumphal entry is one of the few incidents in the life of Jesus which appears in all four Gospel accounts ( Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-40; John 12:12-19 ).

    • Introduction and Background
    • Scriptural Passages
    • The Insight and Response of Mary
    • The Insensitivity and Reactions of The Disciples
    • Summary of Contrasts
    • Christ’s Rebuke of The Disciples
    • Conclusion

    Palm Sunday is the day we traditionally remember the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem--the Sunday before His passion and resurrection. The triumphal entry was a formal presentation of Jesus as Israel’s King. Relentlessly the events of the Savior’s life had moved toward His death on the cross. Following Peter’s confession of Christ as “the Chri...

    Matthew 26:6-13 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, at the home of Simon the leper, 7 a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very costly perfume, and she poured it upon His head as He reclined at the table. 8 But the disciples were indignant when they saw this, and said, “Why this waste? 9 “For this perfume might have been sold for a high price a...

    The unnamed woman is identified for us in John 12 as Mary. She was the sister of Martha and the woman who sat at His feet to hear the Word (Lk. 10:38f). The anointing of the Jesus brings out an important contrast, a contrast of the insight and devotion of Mary, and the indifference and deadened responses of the disciples. The “alabaster vial” refer...

    Mark 14:4-5 But some were indignantly remarking to one another, “Why has this perfume been wasted? 5 “For this perfume might have been sold for over three hundred denarii, and the money given to the poor.” And they were scolding her. John 12:4-6 But Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, who was intending to betray Him, said, 5 “Why was this perfume...

    First Contrast:

    1. Mary turned all attention upon the Lord and His person. She gave witness to truth about the person and work Jesus Christ. 2. Judas and the disciples turned the issue away from Christ and on the poor. Though important, this was not the primary issue or responsibility.

    Second Contrast:

    1. Mary was motivated by devotion and sacrificed for the Savior. This was produced by spiritual insight because she had ears to hear. 2. Judas and the disciples were motivated by greed and jealousy caused by their callousness toward His Word.

    Third Contrast:

    1. Mary was quietly pointing people to the Savior. She was occupied with Him. Though the text does not say so, we can be sure she was not filled with evil thoughts of jealousy, resentment, or bitterness. There was surely sadness, but also spiritual joy. 2. The disciples, on the other hand, had their eyes on others, and were all filled with resentment which erupted in ugliness to Mary. The result was, they scolded her (vs. 5). The word here, embrimaomai, was used of a snorting horse. Men often...

    Mark 14:6-7 But Jesus said, “Let her alone; why do you bother her? She has done a good deed to Me. 7 “For the poor you always have with you, and whenever you wish, you can do them good; but you do not always have Me. John 12:7-8 Jesus therefore said, “Let her alone, in order that she may keep it for the day of My burial. 8 “For the poor you always ...

    The account of these incidences of that evening identify several types of people. As we look at these, see if you can identify what category (or categories) you may fit into.

  3. Six days before the Passover celebration began, Jesus arrived in Bethany, the home of Lazarusthe man he had raised from the dead. English Standard Version. Six days before the Passover, Jesus therefore came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. Berean Standard Bible.

  4. Mar 28, 2018 · 10.2k 2 21 38. Technically, six days before the start of the Passover on a Friday (Thursday evening) would have been a Friday evening. Also Jesus traveled between Bethany and Jerusalem several times after he entered Jerusalem at that time (Mt. 21:17, Mk. 11:11;19). – user21676.

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  6. Mar 31, 2023 · John 12:1–2 says that six days before Passover Jesus went to Bethany, a small village a few miles outside of Jerusalem just beyond the Mount of Olives. There he shared a meal with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Word had spread that Jesus had recently raised Lazarus from the dead, and curious crowds had begun to gather (9, 12).

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