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  1. Peru did act after the Pearl Harbor attack and Germny's declration of war on the United Sstates. Peru broke off relations with the Axis -- Germany, Italy and Japan (January 24, 1942). After the Torch invasions, Peru broke diplomatic relations with Vichy France (January 26, 1943).

  2. History of Peru, a survey of the important events and people in the history of Peru from the time of the Inca empire. Located in western South America, Peru is essentially a tropical country, with its northern tip nearly touching the Equator. Its name is derived from a Quechua word implying land of.

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  4. Following the Allied victory in World War II by 2 September 1945, Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre (founder of the APRA), together with José Carlos Mariátegui (leader of the Peruvian Communist Party), were two major forces in Peruvian politics.

  5. Peru received some aid, but by 1943 the west coast of South America had lost all strategic significance, being so far away from the war's main theaters ending the justification for sending Peru Lend-Lease armaments.

  6. Peru - Independence, Revolution, Viceroyalty: The Napoleonic invasion of Spain in 1808 sparked the Creoles (those of European descent born in America) in other Spanish colonies to struggle for independence between 1810 and 1821.

  7. Peru broke off diplomatic relations with the Axis powers in January 1942, but it was only in February 1945 that the nation declared war against Germany and Japan, entering World War II on the side of the Allies.

  8. Aug 18, 2021 · Every Peruvian knows the story of how, in 1781, the rebel leader Tupac Amaru II was executed by the Spanish Empire in Cusco's central plaza. Forced to watch his wife and son killed in...

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