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  1. The Serenity Prayer. “GOD grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” (12&12 p.41) These simple yet profound words soon became a mantra that resonated deeply within my soul.

    • We Ask Our Higher Power For Serenity
    • We Accept What We Can Not Change
    • We Have Courage to Change What We Can
    • We Ask For Wisdom to Know The Difference

    In sobriety, we are constantly reminded to stop trying to control things and to simply live life on life’s terms. To take things as they come without being the grand orchestrator. This was part of our problem all along, wasn’t it? Our attempts to control and dictate our lives regardless of what our Higher Power had planned for us always failed. Und...

    This concept is in the same vein as the first line of the prayer – we must accept life as it is. We must accept things as they are and not how we want them to be. When we have defined expectations of ourselves and others, the outcome will never be what we plan. We have to stop trying to change the things that are not within our power and accept the...

    While much of life is not within our control there ARE things that we can choose to change. Our attitudes, our outlooks on life, these are the things that we can control. We can look at life as a battle to be won or a journey to be experienced. We can see events as blessings or curses. Only we have the power as individuals to change our viewpoints ...

    It can be a struggle to recognize those things which are in our control and the ones that aren’t, especially when our will is strong. If we want something badly, even if deep down we KNOW it is against what our higher power has in store for us, we can easily convince ourselves that it is still one of those things we can control or change. We have t...

  2. Oct 14, 2018 · The Full Serenity Prayer. God grant me the serenity. To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world.

  3. Discover the profound impact of the Serenity Prayer in addiction recovery. Learn how it works, who uses it, its historical significance, and its role in fostering serenity and strength.

  4. Aug 18, 2021 · Four Ways the Serenity Prayer Can Lift Your Spirits Today. The serenity prayer gives us a chance to put our current situation, circumstances, and life situations into perspective: we have a mighty God who cares about every detail of our lives—even when it’s not going our way, we can rely on Him.

  5. The Serenity Prayer asks God for serenity to accept circumstances that can’t be changed, courage to change those that are within our ability to do so, and wisdom to know and discern between those that can and cannot be changed.

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  7. › addiction › the-serenityThe Serenity Prayer Explained

    Dec 2, 2020 · If you’re in recovery, you’ve probably recited the Serenity Prayer many times. The prayer has helped millions of men and women in and out of recovery get through those intense addiction-related cravings and tough spots in life.

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