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  1. Johannes Mentelin, sometimes also spelled Mentlin, (born around 1410 in Schlettstadt, today Sélestat; died December 12, 1478, in Strasbourg) was a pioneering German book printer and bookseller active during the period during which incunabula were printed.

  2. Johannes Mentelin, manchmal auch Mentlin, (* um 1410 in Schlettstadt; † 12. Dezember 1478 in Straßburg) war ein bedeutender deutscher Buchdrucker und Buchhändler der Inkunabelzeit. 1466 veröffentlichte er die erste gedruckte Bibel in deutscher Sprache (Mentelin-Bibel).

  3. Mentelin (MENTEL), JOHANNES, B. C. 1410; d. December 12, 1478; an eminent German typographer of the fifteenth century, and the first printer and bookseller at Strasburg (Alsace). He belonged to a respected family at Schlettstadt.

  4. Born c. 1410; died 12 Dec., 1478; an eminent German typographer of the fifteenth century, and the first printer and bookseller at Strasburg (Alsace). He belonged to a respected family at Schlettstadt.

  5. Nov 30, 2023 · His first printing of a Bible in vernacular language stands out, the so-called Mentelin Bible of 1466, the first attested edition of the full Bible in the German language, translated from the Vulgate, and one of the earliest printed works in German.

  6. Mentelin: Johannes M., oder wie er auch doch seltener genannt wird, Mentel, der erste Buchdrucker und Buchhändler in Straßburg, und einer der hervorragendsten Typographen des 15. Jahrhunderts überhaupt, entstammte einer | angesehenen Schlettstadter Familie und war in dieser Stadt als der Sohn des Nicolaus M. , wie einige wollen um 1410, geboren.

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  8. Johannes Mentelin, sometimes also spelled Mentlin, (born around 1410 in Schlettstadt, today Sélestat; died December 12, 1478 in Strasbourg) was a pioneering German book printer and bookseller of the incunabulum time. In 1466, he published the first printed

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