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  1. May 16, 2024 · Omphalocele (uhm-fa-lo-seal) is a birth defect of the abdominal (belly) wall. Surgery is needed to address the condition, putting any organs back into the belly and closing the opening. Researchers estimate that about 1 in every 4,000 babies is born with omphalocele in the United States.

  2. May 24, 2021 · An omphalocele (uhm-FA-lo-seal), also known as exomphalos, is a congenital (present at birth) abnormality in which the organs of the abdomen stick out through an opening in muscles in the area of the umbilical cord. These organs are covered by a transparent membrane called the peritoneum.

  3. Omphaloceles is a birth defect that causes certain organs to form outside the body. Learn about prognosis and omphaloceles treatment for babies and kids.

  4. It is a type of abdominal wall defect in which the bowel, liver and other abdominal organs extend into the abdomen near the base of the umbilical cord. What causes omphalocele? Omphalocele occurs very early in pregnancy when the abdominal wall fails to form normally.

  5. Jul 3, 2023 · Omphalocele is a birth defect of the abdominal wall. It affects a fetus as it’s growing inside the mother. Normally, when a fetus is 6 to 10 weeks along, part of the developing intestines...

  6. An omphalocele is a birth defect in which the infant's intestine or other abdominal organs stick out of the belly button, or navel. In babies with an omphalocele, the intestines are covered only by a thin layer of tissue and can be easily seen.

  7. May 23, 2023 · Omphalocele is a rare congenital abdominal wall defect with a reported prevalence of 3.38 per 10,000 pregnancies. It is a protrusion of the abdominal contents covered with peritoneum through the base of the umbilical cord.

  8. Omphalocele develops in 1 in about every 5,000 live births. Approximately 25-40 percent of infants with an omphalocele have other birth defects such as genetic problems and heart defects.

  9. Omphalocele is an abdominal wall defect like gastroschisis in which the anterior abdomen does not close properly allowing the intestines to protrude outside the fetus. It occurs in in about 1.8 per 10,000 births.

  10. Omphalocele (pronounced OHM-fal-o-seal) is a birth defect that affects the abdominal wall. When the abdominal wall doesn’t form correctly, the bowel and other abdominal organs can be partially within the umbilical cord and covered by a thin membrane.

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