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  1. Jun 2, 2023 · And it reached the pews, too: A Gallup poll the next year found that more than one-third of Catholics in the United States were considering leaving the faith because of “recent news about...

  2. Jan 11, 2019 · American Catholics’ faith in the church and clergy has fallen sharply in the last year, according to a new Gallup survey, as the church struggles to regain credibility amid a damning sexual...

  3. Dec 9, 2021 · So even if you average it out, four out of five people who leave religion, it’s not because of clergy abuse or something like that. Though it’s interesting that the clergy abuse scandal is more of a factor for women leaving than for men leaving.

  4. Jun 11, 2019 · A Pennsylvania grand jury last year uncovered decades of sexual abuse and coverup by Catholic leaders, and Cardinal Theodore McCarrick – formerly the archbishop of Washington, D.C. – was forced to resign amid allegations that he sexually abused adults and minors. Americans are paying attention.

  5. Jan 5, 2022 · We have learned a lot about sexual abuse by Catholic clergy since The Boston Globe unveiled its investigation in 2002, writes an expert in child protection.

  6. Mar 13, 2019 · About one in three U.S. Catholics are questioning their commitment to the church amid an ongoing sex abuse scandal that has unearthed years' worth of allegations worldwide.

  7. Nov 30, 2018 · It's become commonplace for Catholic laypeople to ask themselves why the clergy has responded in the way it has to the scandal — how Pope John Paul II (along with Neuhaus) could have turned...

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