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  1. May 22, 2024 · How to Say “Vegetablesin Spanish: Verduras; Vegetable Vocabulary in Spanish; Root Vegetables; Cruciferous Vegetables; Legumes and Pods; Allium Vegetables; Leafy Greens; Miscellaneous Vegetables; Regional Vegetables Across the Spanish-speaking World; And One More Thing…

    • El Cacao = Cocoa
    • Arugula = Rúcula
    • Beet Greens = Remolacha
    • El Maíz = Corn
    • El Tomate = Tomato
    • Broccoli = Brócoli
    • Brussels Sprouts = Coles de Bruselas
    • Carrots = Zanahorias
    • Vegetables – Quiz/Worksheet
    • The Answers

    The hot chocolate that you prepare every morning comes from cocoa, but what you may not have known is that originally the beverage consumed from cocoa was totally different, a bitter and spicy drink, rarely sweet, made for special occasions and ceremonies.

    Arugula is a leafy green vegetable that has a slightly peppery flavor. It is often used in salads or as a garnish on other dishes. Arugula is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as iron and calcium.

    Beet greens are the leaves of the beet plant. They have a slightly sweet flavor and are often used in salads or sautéed as a side dish. Beet greens are a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron and calcium.

    What kind of meals come from corn? For example, typical and popular meals in countries like Colombia and Venezuela, such as the “arepa” (a crunchy and delicious cookie that has been consumed mainly for breakfast since indigenous times) or the “empanada” (a type of fried turnover consisting of pastry and filling) come from corn.

    There is a curious fact about tomatoes that you may already know: tomatoes are not a vegetable. Yes, as you read it, tomatoes are fruits. Anything with seeds -like tomatoes-is a fruit, try to contradict this logic and I bet you a lunch made by my abuelita that you won’t be able to beat me. The same thing is going to happen with all the other “veget...

    Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that is often eaten cooked or raw. It has a slightly bitter taste and is a good source of vitamins C and K, as well as fiber and manganese.

    Brussels sprouts are small, round vegetables that have a slightly bitter flavor. They are often cooked or roasted and can be a good side dish or addition to salads. Brussels sprouts are a good source of vitamins C and K, as well as fiber and manganese.

    Cabbage is a leafy green vegetable that can be eaten raw or cooked. It has a mild flavor and is often used in salads or slaws. Cabbage is a good source of vitamins C and K, as well as fiber and manganese. As you may know, some names for vegetables in Spanish are different across various Spanish-speaking countries. That’s why we want to extend this ...

    Now that we have already seen some vegetables, let’s play a game. You will read a description of a vegetable in Spanish and you will guess which is the vegetable we are talking about. 1. Es comunmente conocido por su color amarillo, aunque en el pasado podía encontrarse de múltiples tonalidades. Se usa para hacer comidas como la “arepa” y la “empan...

    Let’s see what the answers are! Don’t worry if you had a hard time or if you got some of them wrong, and even less if it’s your first time, try to practice daily! 1. Maíz 2. Tomate 3. Ají 4. Frijoles 5. Café 6. Calabaza 7. Papas 8. Plátanos 9. Arroz 10. Cacao

  2. Apr 11, 2024 · In this article, we'll explore a wide range of vegetables to Learn in Spanish, from the common to the lesser-known, and how they can be incorporated into our daily cooking. Zanahoria (Carrot) Tomate (Tomato) Espinaca (Spinach) Pimiento (Bell Pepper) Brócoli (Broccoli) Coliflor (Cauliflower) Calabacín (Zucchini) Pepino (Cucumber) Patata (Potato)

  3. What are some of the vegetables found in your country? Which ones in Spanish-speaking countries? Have you ever wondered how the seasons affect the crops, creating cycles of life and death? Did you know that the countries that are on the equator line like Colombia and obviously Ecuador always keep a constant temperature?

  4. Apr 3, 2024 · Check out this guide for translations and pronunciations of vegetables in Spanish, including essential adjectives and phrases for trips to the market. Ben Perks Updated April 3, 2024 17 min read.

  5. Learning the Names of Vegetables in Spanish: A Complete Guide. Explore our comprehensive guide to learning the names of vegetables in Spanish — and start your journey to culinary proficiency today! Beginner. CONTENT. Embarking on a journey to learn Spanish? Congratulations!

  6. Sep 27, 2023 · To truly appreciate Spanish cuisine, it’s essential to understand the Spanish vegetable vocabulary. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the world of veggies “en Español,” exploring not only the names of common vegetables but also their cultural significance in Spanish-speaking countries.

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