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  1. Dalton Ross was my soccer coach in elementary school. He got me into the show. And at this point, I might like Survivor more than he does. lmao. I was also really into geography back then, so I'd ask him where the next the next season would be. Once he said "they're somewhere in the South Pacific." I was very disappointed with his non-answer ...

  2. 7 hours ago · star Lee Jung-jae took inspiration from Liam Nesson's Qui-Gon Jinn. This IS the Jedi he was looking for. When Lee Jung-jae signed on to play a Jedi master in Star Wars, he only wanted to focus on ...

  3. Vinyl Season Finale Recap: The Closing Number Vinyl goes out the way it came in: barely acknowledging its female characters. Episode 9 Rock and Roll Queen

  4. Would return to survivor: Gretchen Cordy (Borneo) -- Says she has accepted a few times but was cut. Joel Klug (Borneo) -- Says his answer has changed over time, but right now he would accept. Ramona Gray (Borneo) Gervase Peterson (Borneo/Blood vs Water) Jenna Lewis (Borneo/All Stars) -- Claims she was contacted many times.

  5. Dang guys, a good list isn't necessarily a list you have to agree with. Dalton explains each of his rankings clearly in my opinion. I wouldn't call myself Dalton's biggest fan, but I enjoy his writing and certainly respect his opinion, and for me he hits the nail on the head regarding this season when he says "This is not a season that inspires ...

  6. But what I'm thinking is that I need these two on either the next Amazing Race or solving crimes together on season 5 of True Detective. Let’s make some magic! Let’s make some magic! Oh, and ...

  7. Survivor 46. Another missed opportunity for comedy gold. Of course, the most notable thing about this entire Journey was Q, Tim, and Hunter talking about how they would be vulnerable as physical ...

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