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  1. What Is Tangier Known For In Cooking - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Lamb Kofta With Pomegranate Glaze
    Meatballs are central to Mediterranean cooking and in the Eastern Mediteranean (in Greece and Turkey) as well as throughout the Middle East they are known as Koftas. However not all koftas are created equal. Ground lamb is usually the main ingredient but because lamb is quite rich and often fatty, it is mixed with other meats to give a more balance flavour. In Egypt, Jordan and Palestine I have had them with varying combination of ground lamb, beef and even chicken. In Greece and Cyprus, a mix of lamb and pork is the preferred option. The spices used also vary and include different combinations of ground coriander, cumin and all spice. The herbs used to flavour them also varies and can include fresh cilantro, parsley and mint. And then there are my wife Marcelle’s Koftas. Like me, she grew up and travelled extensively throughout the Middle East and she came up with a particularly exquisite recipe. She uses an equal mix of ground veal and lamb but the finishing touch is what make them so unique. After she has mixed in the onions spices and herbs and grilled the Koftas, she glazes them with pomegranate syrup for the last few minutes to give them a wonderful color and tangy taste.