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  1. What Is The Best Chocolate Cake To Make Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Chocolate Ginger Cake
    Moist, rich, very chocolaty . . . what is not to love about this cake?! Adapted from a recipe in Country Living UK, this cake tastes far better than it should considering how easy it is to make. My hubby and daughter declare they even prefer it to the store-bought local gourmet bakery chocolate cake. And we live in Quebec, where good French baking traditions thrive!
    Chocolate Cake in a Cup
    _Homemade chocolate cake takes time, effort and patience… unless you have a mug, 5 minutes and a microwave._ This tasty mug cake recipe is simple, easy and can be customized to suit your sweet tooth. Chocolate Cake in a Cup, perfect for a serving size of one, delivers a big treat with a small effort. We like to eat it still warm, with vanilla ice cream. We're also not above "frosting" it with Nutella — or a scoop of peanut butter for rich chocolate-peanut butter perfection. _Can you really bake a chocolate cake in the microwave?_ An entire cake? Nope! But the magic of microwave cookery is in full effect for this single-serving recipe—it works great for one when you want a quick treat. If you want to double the recipe it'll work just fine, but you'll need to divide the final batter between two mugs and increase cooking time by 15 seconds if you cook both cakes at once. _Do I need a special kind of cup or mug for this to work?_ All the vessel has to be is microwave-safe, more or less mug shaped (i.e. not flat), and able to hold 8 ounces. And because the entire recipe is made right in the microwave-safe mug, clean up is easy and fast. _Does it taste the same as a cake baked in the oven?_ This cake is a little different, texture-wise. It's a bit denser because the microwaves cook the cake differently than the heat of a traditional oven. The effect is more lava cake, less birthday cake. But what you trade off in texture you get back in speed! What other cake gets "baked" in less than two minutes? This chocolate mug cake is the perfect option when you're craving a delicious sweet treat and don't want to wait 45 minutes. _Will it really rise? Doesn't cake need baking powder or baking soda?_ While most cakes require a helpful lift from baking soda or baking powder, in this recipe whisking the egg into the small amount of batter gives it enough puff from the air incorporated into the egg white that the cake still rises. _What if I don't have one of the ingredients? Is this a strict recipe?_ All baking, even when it's done in the microwave, is a more precise than regular cooking because of the chemical reactions involved. However, see the next two questions below for exceptions… _Mini chocolate chips? Do I need them? Must they be mini?_ You can leave out chocolate chips if you don't have any, but using two types of chocolate makes for a richer, more flavorful cake. Mini chocolate chips will suspend most evenly throughout the batter. But if you only have regular sized chips, stir a few into the batter and then sprinkle the rest across the top right before you pop it in the microwave. Some will sink, but not all. And use whatever kind of chips you like! Butterscotch is a satisfying counterpoint to the chocolate, as are white chocolate chips, or try peppermint chips during the holidays. _Do I have to use both brown and white sugar?_ Using these two kinds of sugar gives the cake a more complex sweetness and interesting flavor—and be sure to gently pack the brown sugar into the measuring spoon for maximum deliciousness (and accuracy)! So, for the best mug cake, use both. But if you only have white sugar, that can work too. _Is this safe for kids? Could a child make it?_ While it's always best to have an adult present in the kitchen, this microwave mug cake is an excellent starter recipe for a young cook eager to bake something by her- or himself! No hot oven or flame on the stove makes it a no-worry lesson in following directions, counting, and the wonders of kitchen chemistry. _Can I customize this cake? What if I want to incorporate some mix-ins?_ Go wild! Give a nod to chocolate's heritage— it's indigenous to Latin America and was originally cultivated by the ancient Mayans— by making a Mexican hot chocolate cake: Add 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon and a dash of cayenne to the dry ingredients. Or make a s’mores cake: Stir 1 tablespoon of mini-marshmallows into the prepared batter just before baking and serve with graham crackers.
    Chocolate Chocolate cake
    Every week I take a stroll through your site. I think it is a marvelous idea and I enjoy it immensely. But this week I could not resist. A Chocolate cake !!! I have the perfect recipe. The chocolate cakes of all chocolate cakes. With chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. What more can a chocoholic want !!! I found the recipe in a Dutch lady's magazine once. I have translated this recipe. I was originally written in Dutch. Although I speak the English language very well, translating a recipe is something totally different. So in advance I like to apologize for the probably strange way I wrote is down. But I think you will be able to understand it anyway. One more thing. One of the ingredients is fine Kristal sugar. Sometimes the sugar can be very coarse. This will make the cake gritty. In cases like this I personally use a old coffee grinder to create a fine, almost powder like sugar.
    Swedish Chocolate Cake
    Usually this includes a lot of additional eggs, sugar and butter but no flour - which makes it good as well but somewhat richer. I changed the recipe as i could not be bothered to whip the egg whites and care for the batter to cool down in order to add the yolks. So i went for a little four instead and gave it a try. What a treat! I love it! It is just too easy to be good :-) Enjoy with vanilla icecream. Note: You can use any chocolate you like but i recomend good quality chocolate with at leat 60% cacao.
    Impromptu White Chocolate Raspberry Cake
    Today is valentines day and I was begged by two of the most adorable people in the world to bake a cake and I couldn't resist even though I don't celebrate valentines day. As you will tell from the recipe I just made it up as I went along but it turned out really great. For the icing for example I made an epic mistake by adding cold raspberry to the chocolate and butter mixture which refroze what I had just melted. Additionally I ran out of confectioners sugar. So instead of panicking I just put the same topping on while the cake was hot and it was great because it remelted the butter and chocolate! The cake turned out better that I expected!! Happy Valentines Day!
    Neapolitan Brownie Cake
    For the love of brownies and strawberries this summer treat has been created. What can I do if my guys always ask for chocolate brownie? How to adjust a good trusty brownie for spring or summer dessert? I added strawberry cream mousse and a meringue topping with some fresh strawberries and a drizzle of dark chocolate. Well, it was delicious! Addition of meringue was a good decision too, not only did it make the cake look nice it also gave this lovely crunchy structure with soft airy centre. Of course, you could change strawberry to any other berry to your liking. Another interesting thing was to bake brownie without chocolate, actually. Only with cocoa powder. It absolutely worked and I would recommend doing so if you run out of chocolate or to minimize the cost also. Brownie recipe I adapted from
    Black Forest Cake
    Under all the whipped cream icing of the Black Forest cake are three layers of chocolate génoise soaked in kirsch. My father finished his génoise by hand, using a huge whisk with widely spaced wires to fold the flour and then the butter into the batter with big, efficient strokes so it would not deflate. On a daily basis, he would grab one of us kids to help. He sifted the flour, cocoa, and salt onto a sheet of parchment paper. When he was ready, my brother or I would hold the parchment paper folded above the bowl and tap the flour over the batter while Dad folded it in, telling us to tap faster or slower. As with many fancy cakes, the assembly is easy; it just takes lots of words to describe. Once you have baked the cake, you have completed the part that needs the greatest attention. The cake s flavor develops as the kirsch soaks into the layers. Give the finished cake a minimum of four hours in the refrigerator before serving, but it s even better made a whole day in advance. My recipe uses home-preserved sour cherries. But if you want to make this cake and did not start in June during cherry season, you still have plenty of options. You can use fresh or frozen fruit or shop for jars of preserved sour cherries such as morello and amarena cherries. Depending on what you find, the syrup will contain more or less sugar, so be sure to taste first and adjust your ingredients accordingly. (See the Note on the next page for details on substitutions.) A good Black Forest cake should be very moist and have a distinct kirsch flavor. So be sure to use good-quality kirsch.
    Black Forest Cake
    Under all the whipped cream icing of the Black Forest cake are three layers of chocolate génoise soaked in kirsch. My father finished his génoise by hand, using a huge whisk with widely spaced wires to fold the flour and then the butter into the batter with big, efficient strokes so it would not deflate. On a daily basis, he would grab one of us kids to help. He sifted the flour, cocoa, and salt onto a sheet of parchment paper. When he was ready, my brother or I would hold the parchment paper folded above the bowl and tap the flour over the batter while Dad folded it in, telling us to tap faster or slower. As with many fancy cakes, the assembly is easy; it just takes lots of words to describe. Once you have baked the cake, you have completed the part that needs the greatest attention. The cake s flavor develops as the kirsch soaks into the layers. Give the finished cake a minimum of four hours in the refrigerator before serving, but it s even better made a whole day in advance. My recipe uses home-preserved sour cherries. But if you want to make this cake and did not start in June during cherry season, you still have plenty of options. You can use fresh or frozen fruit or shop for jars of preserved sour cherries such as morello and amarena cherries. Depending on what you find, the syrup will contain more or less sugar, so be sure to taste first and adjust your ingredients accordingly. (See the Note on the next page for details on substitutions.) A good Black Forest cake should be very moist and have a distinct kirsch flavor. So be sure to use good-quality kirsch.
    Chocolate Thai Green Curry Cake
    So many flavors in Thai cooking straddle the line between sweet and savory - coconut, ginger, kaffir lime, lemongrass, even chile - so I didn't think twice about translating one of my favorite Thai dishes, green curry, into something sweet. I came up with this recipe several years ago for a challenge to create a dessert with eggplant in it - the cake was really a sweet and chocolatey version of green curry with eggplant - and have since modified the recipe to omit the eggplant in the cake batter as well as the topping so as to simplify the recipe a bit. The cake is a simple chocolate cake, although the texture of it is wonderfully light and fluffy, with a small crumb that is moist. For good measure, though, I soak the cake with a ginger simple syrup. The filling of the cake is a rich and deeply flavorful dark chocolate ganache infused with kaffir lime leaves and Thai bird chiles. The herbaceousness of the kaffir lime hits your tongue first, and as you swallow, the sweet heat of the chile creeps up. The heat is not overpowering, but it's definitely present. The cake is topped off with a classic Swiss meringue buttercream infused with a bit of green curry paste. What? Yes, green curry paste. You'd think that green curry paste in frosting would be really strange, but you'd be remiss to not try it. The kaffir lime and chile in the paste echo the flavors of the ganache filling, and the lemongrass, ginger, and galangal play off the flavors of the ginger soaking liquid. But there are two other ingredients in the paste - garlic and shallots - that lend a hit of earthiness and a savoriness that really rounds out the cake. And because cake is more fun with sprinkles, this one is topped off with peanuts that are dusted in coconut milk powder. The peanut sprinkles are totally optional, but because they're really easy to make (if you can find coconut milk powder), I always add them to lend a bit of crunch and contrast to the lush, silky cake. This cake has earned a spot as one of my favorites - give it a try and it might be one of yours, too.