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  1. Matthew 11:20-24. Expanded Bible. Jesus Warns Unbelievers. 20 Then Jesus began to ·criticize [denounce; reproach] the cities where he did ·most [so many] of his ·miracles [powerful deeds], because the people did not ·change their lives and stop sinning [repent]. 21 He said, “·How terrible for [L Woe to] you, Korazin!

  2. 20 The people in the towns where Jesus had performed most of his miracles did not turn from their sins, so he reproached those towns. 21 “How terrible it will be for you, Chorazin! How terrible for you too, Bethsaida!

  3. And he said, “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”.

  4. Jul 26, 2023 · Answer. Bethsaida was a small town in Galilee best known in the Bible as the birthplace of three of Jesus’ disciples: Phillip, Peter, and Andrew ( John 1:44–45; 12:21 ). Some scholars suggest that there were two towns called Bethsaida during the time of Jesus, as two cities’ having the same or a similar name was common in those days.

  5. The majority of the Jews, however, rejected the Gospel. They hired some of the town thugs (what the Old Testament calls “sons of Belial”) and formed a mob, fomenting a riot. They sought to capture Paul, but only succeeded in dragging a new convert named Jason before the officials. They accused this man of troubling the city, but the officials did nothing more than make Jason post bond ...

  6. GOD'S WORD® Translation. When the crowd had been put outside, Jesus went in, took her hand, and the girl came back to life. Good News Translation. But as soon as the people had been put out, Jesus went into the girl's room and took hold of her hand, and she got up. International Standard Version.

  7. These were the Twelve whom Jesus sent out after he had given them these instructions: "Don't turn on to the road that leads to the unbelievers, and don't enter Samaritan towns.

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