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  1. The first Green Lantern Ring on Earth in modern times was crafted and worn by Alan Scott and powered by the mystical Starheart. His proved to be the exception, the by-product of the efforts A Green Lantern Ring, also...

    • Red/Rage: The first Red Power Battery was created by a figure named Atrocitus. Naturally, the emotion that fuels the ring is rage. Users of the ring will hear commands of violence, and the power of the ring essentially stops your heart and fills it with pure rage—much like a Red Bull.
    • Orange/Greed: A corp of one, because the power of greed doesn’t allow its power to be shared. Larfleeze, also known as Agent Orange, is the holder of the Orange Central Power Battery.
    • Yellow/Fear: Sinestro’s color of choice. Far from mellow, the ring is fueled by fear instead of willpower, but is identical in abilities to the Green rings.
    • Blue/Hope: Ganthet is one of the Guardians of the Universe who was banished following the events of the “Sinestro Corps War” storyline in the comics. He believed that all the colors would eventually lead to the prophecy of “Darkest Night.”
  2. Nov 4, 2023 · The Phantom Ring was created by Rami, a former Guardian who believed that his new ring would replace the Green Lantern ring that had a weakness of yellow. Turns out that not everyone was a fan of change, and he was banished along with the ring.

  3. Kyle's ring is unique throughout the history of the Green Lantern characters, and was, for a time, the only working power ring in the DC Universe. His ring is not dependent on the Central Power Battery and is free from the yellow impurity, but does not prevent mortal damage automatically.

  4. Mar 25, 2023 · Technically Alan Scotts ring has nothing to do with the lights of the Emotional Spectrum, but as the original Green Lantern, his weapon has to be included. The mystical Starheart is the source of Green Lantern Alan Scott’s ring, and he’s spent decades mastering its ins and outs.

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  6. Jan 2, 2020 · Known for harnessing willpower, the green power ring was developed by the Guardians of Oa. Worn by many famous Green Lanterns - including Alan Scott, Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Sinestro, Guy Gardener, and John Stewart - it draws power from the central power battery on the planet Oa.

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