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  1. Amish Sourdough Starter Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Amish Sourdough Bread/Starter
    Found this recipe in my mother's recipe box. I don't remember her ever making it, but I have and it makes gorgeous bread! Starter takes 10 days to ferment, but after this you can make bread anytime you want! Traditionally, starter is given to friends and family in 1 cup increments, after the 10 days. You can also freeze 1 cup in zip lock bags for future use. I know it sounds like a lot of sweetener, but the yeast needs this sugar to feed itself, bread will not be sweet. Starter can be used for many other breads, such as doughnuts, cinnamon buns, etc. Follow recipe using 1 pkg yeast and 1 cup of starter. Prep time doesn't count 10 days to prepare starter. Nutrition Information is for total ingredients so won't be accurate.
    Amish Sourdough Pancakes
    Easy and delicious way to make yeast pancakes using your Amish Friendship Bread Starter." Made even easier using pancake mix, though no reason you couldn't use your favorite buttermilk pancake recipe. Found on All recipe site
    Amish Friendship Starter
    This recipe was given to me years ago by a friend's mother along with 1 cup of starter. It's easy to keep and can be used to make a number of delicious recipes using "sourdough starter".