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  1. Cantal Cheese - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Baked Eggs With Onions And Cheese
    Baked Eggs With Onions And Cheese With Butter Oil, Onions, Salt, Freshly Ground Black Pepper, Bread Crumbs, Grated Gruyere, Grated Parmesan, Eggs
    Leek and Greens Tart with Cornmeal Crust
    When I started thinking about what would be my ideal savory tart, one of the first things that came to mind was the flavors of my favorite panade, which is from the great Paula Wolfert. So, I decided to try to create a tart that captures both the subtle warm flavors and the creamy, hearty feeling of the panade. I decided to forgo a custard filling to let the leeks, greens, and sumptuous Cantal cheese really be the stars. But, I couldn't help but use a bit of egg and creamy mascarpone to bind everything together. The crust is almost a cross between a pate brisee and a short crust - inspired by Kate Zuckerman's flaky tart crust - with some cornmeal to give it wonderful homey texture and flavor. Being sure to leave the butter in pretty large pieces, which I actually find easier to do when making a crust by hand, gives for a wonderfully tender crust, not at all weighed down by the cornmeal. Eat this tart warm or at room temperature, accompanied by a nice green salad. - fiveandspice
    Garlic Lovers' Soup with Cheese and White Wine: Billomoise
    Food Network
    Yes, 20 gloves of garlic, yet they surrender much of their pungency to long, gentle cooking. The intense broth that results is further enhanced by a fruit white wine. Billom, an old medieval town in the Auvergne that was once a thriving garlic and spice market, has lent its name to this potent soup.
    Golden Saffron Pear Chutney
    A deep coloured, fruity and intensely flavoured chutney. I concocted this recipe last year, when we had lots of windfall pears......and, I slipped a bit of saffron in for good measure! This chutney is delicious with ALL cheeses, but especially strong hard cheeses such as Farmhouse Cheddar, Gruyere, Comte and Cantal. It also goes exceedingly well with cold meats and charcuterie - especially cold roast Ham. Dollop it in sandwiches, add it to curry & cooking sauces.....the list is endless for this fruity chutney! It is always best eaten after at least 1-2 months; the flavours are mature and mellow. (This recipe has been posted as a special dedication for two close friends, one on RecipeZaar and one who sadly passed away recently - may all your pears be saffron pears & all your days be golden.)
    Potato Pancake with Cheese and Bacon | La Truffade
    Potato Pancake With Cheese And Bacon | La Truffade With Lean Bacon, Lard, Baking Potatoes, Ground Black Pepper, Salt, Cantal
    Rick Stein’s buckwheat pancakes with mushrooms and eggs
    Rick Stein’s Buckwheat Pancakes With Mushrooms And Eggs With Buckwheat Flour, Plain Flour, Salt, Dried Yeast, Large Egg, Whole Milk, Warm Water, Rapeseed Oil, Mushrooms, Butter Oil, Eggs, Cantal, Parsley Sprigs, Black Pepper