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  1. Filled Gougeres Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Food Network
    Pate a choux derives from the old French meaning "to cherish" or cabbage paste because of its shape, this pastry has been in use since the sixteenth century. It is a cooked mixture of water, butter and flour which rises due to steam expansion. The paste crusts on the outside, trapping steam inside, creating a puffed shape with a hollow interior. The crisp shells are filled with a variety of creams and finished with a glaze.
    Cheese Puffs (Gougeres)
    Light, airy, cheese puffs are a versatile addition to a meal or appetizer plate. Tiny, they're like soup nuts. Larger, they pair well with beer or wine. Even bigger, they can be split and filled with ham, chicken, tuna salad, or even more cheese! These are easier to make than the recipe sounds, yet the result looks impressive enough that you can tell your friends you slaved over them.